Reviews for Steelish Silver Reimagined
TheIdeator chapter 34 . 8/3
All of the remnant characters are undeserving of the rank they've been given. C- in all stats ? That's the level of a pretty decent servant. If any of these characters were in any grail war , I can't imagine that they'll last more than a day.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/27
Uh hi I guess
NightmareKnight1 chapter 3 . 11/9/2019
Wow. What even the hell is this story? You basically butchered Minato as a character and turned him into a cliched anime protagonist Mary Sue, you have to spell out character traits without actually showing them. "Come on, you know how stubborn I can be". That's... that's just lazy writing. I stuck around this long to try and see if you did anything interesting with the story, but this is just... bad. There's no other way to put it. I don't think I want to see what the original was like if this is the rewrite.
NightmareKnight1 chapter 2 . 11/8/2019
You're trying to be way too meta with this story, and it's confusing as all hell. Why does a character from a Persona game suddenly know what Atlus is, let alone Pokemon? And then the whole "Youtube celebrity" nonsense... why? What point even is there for this?
kamenheroHEISEI chapter 16 . 10/13/2019
And this is where i end it. I dont care how much wisdom and power minato has.

ESPECIALLY IF HE HAS BOTH HIS HUMANITY AND BODY back there is no way he would let somebody he doesnt care about walk all over him as you are shouwing now. Espwcially not a fragment of NYX of all things.

You know the thing thats been giving him sleeping problems for HOW LONG? and would of killed the hunter in training if he didnt interfere and stop her creation.

You literally had him standing there like an idiot(NO NOT A FOOL)and just take whatever she was dishing out with what? one witty mark against her? while she just made a thread that could of been considered using a person to make more powerful shadows?

Sigh I'm done. Its hard to find good persona fanfic and those are usuallly unfinished and dead.
Lawoi chapter 14 . 9/9/2019
You are me love shin megami tensi even more if that was even possible.
By the way there is a new race of demon called Jirae I wonder if you're aware of it
TDNRYCON chapter 1 . 6/14/2019
sorry, Minato using a remtube or social media in general, thats not really a person like minato would do.
TDNRYCON chapter 3 . 6/14/2019
damn this seems like a good start but the fact Minato that acts flirty really puts me off.
Spooke125 chapter 43 . 6/2/2019
In reply to your authors note for this chapter. its only expected a faunus would be able to track someone down from insane distances. Just as an example, a dog that is left an entire continent away will still somehow find its way to its owners.
So by that level its slightly less creepy.
Spooke125 chapter 25 . 6/2/2019
I now ship Weiss and Minato wholeheartedly. Its just too cute.
loligang chapter 7 . 5/19/2019
never mind on that question, sorry
loligang chapter 7 . 5/19/2019
i love this so much, this is my second time reading it, cause the first time i just skimmed through it to see if it was worth reading like i do all my other fic i read. i can confidently say this is one of the best i read. question is this the remake or is this going to be remade.
kazikamikaze24 chapter 54 . 4/30/2019
A very awesome, fantastic story that I cannot wait to see more of!
Guest chapter 43 . 4/1/2019
he was a wall kinda for a time being?
sonic chapter 54 . 3/24/2019
I liked the chapter!
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