Reviews for Born Beneath An Angry Star
Signal-K chapter 14 . 6/12
Really loved this story, sad it's over. That ending was so adorable!
Yemi Hikari chapter 2 . 5/12/2019
The story is - it's honestly all over the place in just the two chapters. Specifically, the story pushes willing suspense of disbelief in ways I'm not wanting to go as a reader. I was fine when it was just going AU regarding when Zuko joined and I could buy the possibility of them helping them escape with no Zuko, yet then we jumped to the Earth kingdom and it just doesn't flow well together.
LittleLorna chapter 13 . 7/4/2018
This review is for chapter 14 I cant put it on there because I've already reviewed on your old update :(.
As soon as I saw you updated this story I can honestly say you made me the happiest on earth. But wow this chapter was really long and full and zutara moments and tense/intense that lead up to the events of the promise and later the search.
But man poor Zuko running himself ragged only to collapse but I loved that you had uncle iroh come back to help Zuko and katara out (can never get enough of uncle iroh).
But that last scene, as soon as I read that part where Zuko put something in katara hand and it was a betrothal necklace I was squealing in delight was a very romantic/beautiful ending. Thankyou for finishing and look forward to your possible future sequel x
nomercy58 chapter 13 . 6/19/2018
Awesome! Just finished up on reading this new chapter and looking forward to what may come!
jacpin2002 chapter 13 . 6/8/2018
I'm so glad that Zutara got their happy ending. This is a great cliffhanger to leave off on and setup for a sequel. I loved this fic and do hope you choose to do the sequel later on.
jacpin2002 chapter 14 . 6/8/2018
Hey there! I'm sorry you won't continue this fic. It was so good and I was hoping for a sequel. If you ever get the muse to do it again, I have it favorited and followed. :)
nomercy58 chapter 1 . 6/7/2018
Enjoyed the beginning and it'll be interesting to see how Chit Sang and Hakoda being with the group already may change some of the group dynamics.
nomercy58 chapter 14 . 6/7/2018
Damn, just started reading this too. Well, I wish you good fortune going forward.
LittleLorna chapter 1 . 6/7/2018
Should of said in my last review(kind of), that I really enjoyed your story :)
LittleLorna chapter 14 . 6/7/2018
Ack I think my heart just broke, knew I should have reviewed when I finished your story in one sitting yesterday lol, but I have trouble writing what I think down lol. Keep chin up :)
Shivisdivis chapter 12 . 2/7/2018
I'm glad that Aang has found more airbenders, and now he knows that he isn't the only one of his breed and that he isn't alone. I want to know everything about these airbenders, their defense force and why their tattoos are purple instead of blue like Aang's. I like how Katara gives encouragement and support to Zuko to talk with Iroh, I love their relationship. It was great the conversation that Zuko and Iroh had, and I laughed a little when Zuko said "I brought my friends with me, and Katara" separating friends from Katara, and that's why Iroh knew that the two of them were more than friends. I love that he approves the relationship between Zuko and Katara, I think he'll already be imagining his grandchildren lmao. I'm glad that Zuko and Katara are taking their relationship calmly, they're still too young to take the next step. I wish you luck in your next projects, kisses and hugs :).

P.D: Sorry for taking a while to comment, I was a little busy and I read everything again to guide me. So much love.
MyKingdom4Zutara chapter 12 . 2/7/2018
I love this story and I hope that you still are going to plan on making a sequel. Please don't be discouraged by the lack of comment because this story is one of my favorite Zutara stories out there and you are an awesome writer. Now that Zuko and Katara have told each other they love each other I need a sequel! Seriously though awesome story for awesome writer don't quit.
jacpin2002 chapter 12 . 2/5/2018
Excellent chapter! I would love a sequel to this. I want Zutara married and having bamf kids together!
Dee809 chapter 6 . 11/5/2017
Love it!
25Carin chapter 11 . 10/30/2017
I liked the new twists you put into the old scenes
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