Reviews for Retrospect
Amaterasu53 chapter 18 . 3/12
fricking awesome and hilarious story!
Guest chapter 5 . 2/16
I can SO see this HAPPENING!

I bet this actually happened behind the scenes in the manga and the anime.

I'll place my last Ryou on that one!
Amaterasu53 chapter 3 . 2/15
OMG this whole story has had me laughing my ass off! You're a great writer!
helphelpHALPHAHAHA chapter 3 . 1/11
Oxygen... I need oxygen... I can't breathe! This... IS A MASTERPIECE!
Kian Xki chapter 11 . 5/26/2019
You Are a Master of Bait and Switch

with the aproach to Teacher-student relationship most would only see KakaNaru but it was made pretty obvious in the 1st chapter that it was not it and the whole classroom prank lover singlied out Iruka

yet you keep making me doubt, is it true?

but i think my favorite was Kakashi's POV, making it apear like he feared minato like a possible lover to his daugther, making it apear that he did not want to deal with the student that had a crush on him, making it apear that Kakashi just did not want to get involved in his student's life and so fort

i think you even shifted my perseption of reality (plot lines) with this work!
MentalSlavery17 chapter 18 . 3/5/2019
One of the best reads on here. Great job!
bleeb90 chapter 18 . 9/9/2018
This was an amazing read and had me laughing out loud! Thank you for adding this masterpiece to the fandom!
AnnarchyLives chapter 18 . 7/17/2018
... I... I can’t decide if you are the most brilliant fanfic writer to have ever lived... or the most insane.
Himawari-no-Ichizoku chapter 11 . 1/16/2018


I literally walked away just mumbling 'No' for a good minute or so while I listlessly walked around my house.

You got me good, boi. You got me real good.

10/10 Will read again.
Jojebae98 chapter 1 . 11/18/2017
Thank you! Thank you for this masterpiece of a fanfiction! This was pure comedy gold!
Jojebae98 chapter 4 . 11/18/2017
buahahaha you have me bending over while cackling! The "no siiree! at the end did me in! Omg Kakashi is precious!
SeerFlight1011 chapter 4 . 11/13/2017
Ow my ribs hurt from laughing to much. This story is HILARIOUS. Brilliant!
Guest chapter 11 . 10/10/2017
Had to look underneath the underneath
NilithDelirium chapter 18 . 9/21/2017
I took an awfully long amount of time, but I'm finally at the last chapter and I can only say that it has been one heck of a ride.

The ending was perfect with all the Sasuke drama and the little subplots having and actual closure. You managed to give everyone, even the dead ones, an ending that made sense, although I didn't get to see if Konohamaru ended with that cute genin, or Sasuke losing his mind because he doesn't find a suitable woman for restoring the clan, while almost all the others already have more than one child (specially Naruto *insert Sasuke's cry here*). I'd have liked for Hinata to put all her anger into reforming her clan, but I'm pretty satisfied with her being one the modest terrifying kunoichi of the village.

I'm happy for all of them, but the winners of my heart were Ino and Shino, and Sakura and Lee. I loved how you handled their relationship and personalities (though all of your characters are just too good for this world). Nevertheless, I'd be ecstatic with anything that has my precious Ino around, because I love her with my life, and I expect her to have kicked some asses once she decided it was time to have a family with Shino and didn't one anyone to keep annoying her.

Finally, Iruka and Naruto made such a cute couple, that you actually convinced me to ship them. I've never considered it before, but you portrayed it so good that I couldn't stop myself. Once a shipper, always a shipper.

You truly have a go with words, making me smile and catching my whole attention until the end. It's one of the best stories I've ever read here in fanfiction, and definitely one of my favorite comedies of all time. You're a blessing. Please, keep writing and uploading stories. I'd be happy to come back every time to be excited all over again.

NilithDelirium chapter 9 . 9/8/2017
I'm advancing rather slowly reading your fic, but I've been so busy with Uni! BUT when I'm reading it, I don't want to stop. I wanted to leave another comment in this chapter because I KNEW IT; it's Iruka, isn't he! That's why he have been so grumpy! I hope it, at least. I think it's a cute couple, really.

Aaaand Lee and Sakura. Totally agree with you in the respect part. I believe Sakura would have seen another side of him if he stopped being so complacent and insistent around her. He could be a reminder of her infance, but nobody wants to go back to their stupid ways. But I totally ship it anyway. Lee is sweet, dedicated, and completely different from Sasuke. Sakura would be happy being spoiled by a person that loves her more than anything in the world, but also gives her some space. I think it would be a good way for Lee to realize his value, too.

God, crack couples are my fuel.

Also, the part with the Kumo genin. She's amazing! She reminds me a little bit of Ino when she was around Shika (that's another couple that broke my heart).

On another matter, I didn't know you already finished it! Only 18 chapters seem too short when the story is this good.

I'll be coming back!

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