Reviews for Jean des Cloches
dreamkeaper chapter 19 . 10/9/2017
One of the best stories about Quasimodo that exist. I really hope you will write more stories about him - because nobody writes them as touching and sensitive as you do.
I wish you just the best and thank you for this wonderful story
Greetings from Austria
dreamkeaper chapter 3 . 2/12/2017
With the dead of the archdeacon Quasimodo lost the only father figure he had.
I terrible what this story does to me - I nearly cried when I read this chapter.
Your writing is really intense and goes straight to my heart!
dreamkeaper chapter 2 . 2/12/2017
Oh God, how sweet. It is wonderful to know more about Quasimodo's backstory. He was such a sweet, lovable child and my heart goes out for him. To see how he was raised makes me understand him better as an adult. So thank you very much for writing this.
dreamkeaper chapter 1 . 2/12/2017
I great beginning. I love the book and it's wonderful to see everything more detailed and from a different perspective. Can't wait to read the other chapters!
S2moviefreak123 chapter 5 . 11/23/2016
I am loving this story! I love seeing backstories of Quasimodo, and your mix of movie and book make it a different story than we've seen before. Thanks for posting!