Reviews for What You Do To Me
TTshorty33 chapter 22 . 3/28
Ahhhh I fucking love this story :) I hope everything is ok with you.
TTshorty33 chapter 4 . 3/26
also the cigarette smoking... I mean I used smoke myself... but it's really is the grossest smell, no way a nonsmoker can hang around that all day and especially pregnant. but yeah ok sorry rant over.
TTshorty33 chapter 3 . 3/26
I just want to say. u are killing me. I felt like I was so close to happy ending and then just bam.. read on to the sequel... reading stories like this is why I force myself to talk about my feelings to my wife when ever I have a problem. like it is woo easy to explain ur feelings and then there is no confusion except for when I guess u dunno your feelings. but she could just say, u didnt say it back, I want more, I want everything, I always have, I always will. eggotts
Anastasiasia93 chapter 21 . 3/11
Okay, I'm writting this review here because I've already left one for the last chapter and it won't let me leave another one, so... Yeah.
I love this story. Both of them. I appreciate you so much for writting them, for sharing this wonderful experience with all of us the readers, for allowing your talent in writting to shine in such a deep, honest, real story. Every time I read them I get even more immersed, I get even happier living so many hours in this wonderful world you've so kindly created for all of us.
In every fandom, every pairing, there are many stories and many writters sharing their work. In this fandom I can honestly and wholeheartedly say that I haven't found a better built world, a better told story, than these. I'm not even joking, I've read so many and I always come back to yours. It's like your writting is soothing to the soul (I hope that's not too weird to say, but I'm not sure I'd care either way).
Anyway, thank you so much for these stories, for every bit of love and care and talent you've put in them. It means more than you know.
P.S I have only now seen your updated note and I really, really hope you're able at some point to share with us the third part to this beautiful story, because it desrves its closure and so do you. I look forward to it, for if or when that happens, and in the meantime I can only wish you are healthy and happy. Take care and thank you again. Much love.
Guest chapter 22 . 8/10/2019
I need the next story!
hangover1111 chapter 22 . 2/5/2019
Hi I know it's been a while since this story but I've been reading both or these stories and I've really enjoyed them. I'm just wondering if you have a plan to go further with these stories. I would to see what's in store for these two in the future with Willa.
ShayIStoHOT chapter 22 . 2/2/2019
Can’t Nick just die? He’s such a clueless selfish doorknob, masked as a good guy. Him & his mom treat Chloe like shit. He knocked up his side piece & had nerve to be pissed Chloe wanted out
joanshea chapter 11 . 1/17/2019
God i love your writing it put me right into their heads and hearts and i feel them soo much!
antiojos chapter 15 . 10/30/2018
loooooove this story!
Guest chapter 13 . 6/19/2018
This story has actually moved me and made me feel what they did. You’re writing is moving and incredible. Thank you and I can’t wait to catch up!
Guest chapter 22 . 3/31/2018
You’re seriously one of my favorite authors here! I know you’re way done with this story but would you consider doing a 5 year in the future epilogue? I’m so invested in this story! I can’t stand for it to be over
Anastasiasia93 chapter 22 . 2/6/2018
Oh My God! That story was amazing! You are amazing! One of the best authors I've read the work of in my life! I mean, right up there in the top three! Seriously though, this story and its prequel totally were the best Bechloe story I've ever read, and probably will have ever read, in all honesty. You're just so talented. You created an entire new, heart-warming, substantial, emotion-filled universe out of an already existing one. The way you built and built on the characters... until I could almost picture those women sitting across from me, smiling encouragingly at me while I read your stories. Your stories that felt like the most difficult, at times, and yet the most amazing, always, kind of rollercoater. I loved every moment I spent reading your creation. I loved it all, even the angst, even the heartbreak, even the saddness. It took so much emotional investing from my part to read through them, and that is the best sign on how good a story really is.
So, I'm stopping the rambling now. God, thank you so, so much for sharing your work! You're awsome! Never give up on writting, it would be a real loss. Thank you again!
KrRy chapter 21 . 1/11/2018
I was laughing like crazy throughout the story until the part when willa being born.

You did a good job portraying beca's feeling throughout the process.

Can't believe only one chapter left after this.
KrRy chapter 19 . 1/8/2018
I was ready to express my sadness after catching up with the truth that is aubrey's feeling for chloe. Bcuz no matter how much i love bechloe, it's never a simple thing when it comes to unrequited love. But then you bring up stacie and i feel a bit better bcuz at least there's someone that loves aubrey. And i do like the idea of you writing a story about staubrey. I love them both together. But i don't think i will be able to handle the 3rd with nick AND marcy pressuring chloe again bcuz just from this one, it's always been so stressful everytime chloe and nick talking about willa. So, yeah that's my opinion for this chapter and your thoughts.

Oh, the baby room in beca's spare room scene is so lovely. I am so glad that beca can finally be genuinely happy. She's been waiting for so long. But then again, so is aubrey. Or stacie. Lol i'm gonna stop now. I hope they all -all the bellas- can have their own happiness.
KrRy chapter 15 . 12/21/2017
And this chapter, it's also so powerful. The song..and everything after that. I finally able to 'feel' Chloe -after so many times I blamed her-. Proves that the life that we live in will affect our thoughts, affects how we see/feel about things. Her marriage w/ Nick took a toll on how she thinks about love, about trusting people, etc.

The end of this chapter's still leaves some worry to me, but I hope from this forward it'll be good for them.

So now I'm gonna continue reading the next chapter.
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