Reviews for The Mystery of the Frozen Heart
galopitu chapter 32 . 7/19/2018
A bittersweet ending. Thank God you gave Celestia and Alastair they happily ever after! It would have been to gut wrenching otherwise.
A beautiful, captivating and complex story. I enjoyed it immensely. Your OCs are complex and multifaceted (if not likeable). The story line very clear and captivating.
Thank you very much for it!
galopitu chapter 31 . 7/19/2018
Ohh….that was intense! And sad.
I had to read the chapter a couple of times to get everything – it was fast paced and quite wonderful.
I love Newt. You write him perfectly.
What a wonderful and heartbreaking story.
galopitu chapter 30 . 7/19/2018
Man, that Leta is a self-righteous git! I love to hate her.
The plot thickens! I sooo hope this will have a happy end. I love Alastair and Celestia.
Tina is very in character –truly annoying. The whole relationship with Graves/Grindewald is downright hilarious.
galopitu chapter 29 . 5/10/2018 are back! Wonderful!
Very nice chapter. The scene between Newt and his brother was heavy. Great way to show a bit more about their relationship.
I like the way you write Grindelwald; he is charming, smart...even nice. It makes sense. You don't follow someone without charisma.
Still, we are still hanging at that cliff. The end is near (if I may be dramatic) and I am dying to see how you will resolve everything.
Keep it up luv!
galopitu chapter 28 . 1/17/2018
Ending on a cliffhanger – you evil person! Thank God you update regularly…
Great chapter. I liked the feeling of Albenheim; very mysterious.
Tina is downright obnoxious. Therefore, she is very much in character – she got on my nerves on the movie too.
Love it!
Guest chapter 27 . 1/15/2018
This is sooo good! A catching story!
Update pretty please!
Guest chapter 6 . 1/15/2018
Cool as ice this Graves, very in character.
Celestia is a real complex girl.
Such a cool story - why don't you have more reviews?
Guest chapter 5 . 1/15/2018
Ooohh...Slytherin cunning at its best! This is going to get bad real fast.
I love it!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/15/2018
So many originals and not one sue in sight! Great!
Nice story!
Guest chapter 3 . 1/15/2018
Soo sweet! Love your Newt! Makes the whole Leta-thing even worse :(
Guest chapter 2 . 1/15/2018
This is promising – looking forward to see where it goes.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/15/2018
Cool! You start with a bang!
galopitu chapter 27 . 1/15/2018
That woman has a one track mind and no mistake. Your Tina is spot on!
Again, I have to say how much I love your pacing. It gives the story a unique dynamic – such a catching story.
Please keep the updates coming!
galopitu chapter 26 . 1/15/2018
Your Graves is marvelous: he is cold, calculating, intelligent and quite funny. His interaction with Ethel was great.
The connection between Leta and Nocturna makes me uneasy. I am definitely team Celestia in this one.
Oohh…I SO hope for an happy ending!
galopitu chapter 25 . 1/15/2018
O dear – that was quick! I really like your pacing. You start with a sweet and melancholic part about the lost daughter Artemis and bam! We are right back in the action!
I never see that coming – keeps me on my toes.
So glad you are updating faster now…what a wonderful story.
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