Reviews for The Dusk Dragon
Mega Sodarayg chapter 2 . 1/4/2017
After reading this I gotta see a "best uncle duel" (bets on Odin). Really liked this though. It was pretty well written and certainly creative. The concept is kinda outlandish yet it is still interesting given how well constructed it is, which shows that the story was well thought out.
TheRepeat chapter 1 . 12/3/2016
Glad you took my advice to heart! The story's looking good. You even improved on some things!
Lyn chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
This is pretty good, I like it. Leo is as blunt as always I see... XD as much as I love XanderxCorrin, I hope there are more Aunts/Uncle bonding time as well! like Camilla/Leo or Elise with Siegbert having picnic together or talking together would be nice... Because that moments are difficult to find in XanderxCorrin other fictions I have ever read... But whether you will write it or not, I will still read this fict, so I can't wait for the next chapter! XD