Reviews for Getting a Grip
Christopher28 chapter 25 . 11/25/2019
I'm enjoying this story. I'm amused by the fact that we both write Pyrrha as Demi... AND we both have her and Yang in a relationship (and Ruby with Blake, funnily enough). Actually, we seem to share most of the same assumptions about their characters... that Yang is Bi, Blake is Pan, and Ruby likes girls.

I really do think Yang and Pyrrha would have been good together. Pyrrha needs someone to push her limits and treat her like a normal person, and Yang fits the bill very nicely.

Anyway... great story so far.
Rage721 chapter 78 . 12/17/2018
Please update
Plz update chapter 78 . 11/16/2018
Plz update this story. It's really good, but it hasn't been updated in almost a year.
Hithilion chapter 75 . 4/7/2018
Really hope you continue it this year. Thanks!
JustAnotherShadow chapter 78 . 11/12/2017
This is a fantastic story so far I can't wait to see where you take it
Definitely in my top five rwby fics
Hithilion chapter 78 . 11/2/2017
Wonderful story till now, can't wait for it to continue! Take your time, but pls not too much. I hope it wont get under and become one of the thousends unfinished stories here. Thanks for the work and maybe I will read through "On thin Ice" and catch up with "Solstice". Hope to read from you soon!
Rorksen chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
Why does it have to end there. I do hope you come back to it eventually caise this story quickly became one of my favourites and it eould be sad to see it end here.
RatedRSuperStar87 chapter 78 . 10/27/2017
Ending are always bitter sweet. But this one needs the break for sure. It's time now to see what trouble Little Summer has gotten into and really I think Yang is the cause of most of it with Winter shaking her head at those two.
Sebine chapter 78 . 10/27/2017
Today's theme song
"I'm Not Okay (I Promiseby MCR
Misslieness chapter 78 . 10/27/2017
A great way to round off an excellent season!
Nagaichi chapter 78 . 10/27/2017
Ooh. I see a set up where winter wiess and Blake trick Ruby into some dinner with Summer. Then Ruby snaps and says they are lying to her too and she takes off and nobody can find her. But that's just my demented imagination running wild.
Boombox94 chapter 78 . 10/27/2017
This last bit made me really sad, I'm not gonna lie. Everything from when Qrow told the truth. Ruby isn't gonna be normal for awhile and that sucks. Yang won't and that sucks. No one will and that really sucks. And now, I have to wait for I don't know how long until things start back up with this.

But it was a fun ride! I can't wait until the next season. See you in Solstice.
Jiore chapter 78 . 10/27/2017
nope. definitely not okay...

Anyway, you've been on a roll with these chapters! good job!
WolframZero chapter 78 . 10/27/2017
Is this the definition of bittersweet? I'm feeling happy things and sad things at the same time.
Damn you feelings, get back inside!
THB4 chapter 78 . 10/27/2017
I wonder how things will be now at Patch. I can see things being weird between Raven and Yang. I wonder how long until Yang tells Pyrrha about what Yang and Ruby did. I still think they should go visit Ruby.

I'm surprised Ruby is able to bring Zwei with her. I bet Winter would have helped send Ruby's scooter with her. I bet Cinder and Neo will also help Ruby out when she gets back along with Velvet, Coco, Sun and Neon. Hopefully Neon talking about what happened at her moms doesn't set Ruby off. Will Qrow pop up more now. Keep up the good work can't wait for the next season. Hopefully it isn't to far off.
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