Reviews for It Takes a Fool to Remain Sane
Kidiu chapter 1 . 7/24/2009
That was very cute, and I loved the bits of humor. Cute pair, well done!
StripedVenusFlytrap chapter 1 . 5/23/2009
I disagree with what you said. This was awesome! :3

I loved this chapter, and KurtScott is one of my fave pairings! I think you did great on this, and i'm so gonna go read more of your work! Scott x Lance? i'd never thought of that... that sounds good! :3
dianasbow chapter 1 . 2/20/2006
AW! That was adorable! I loved it! Wonderful! Sorry. Rambling again. But I did love it! That would be worth continuing, if you wanted to.
Ensign Klutz chapter 1 . 6/4/2005
Pietro's idea was really good! i still can't beleive Kurt did. VERY GOOD! Ja Ne!
evilb1tch chapter 1 . 8/1/2004
ooh! i love this! for some odd reason, i am so into slash! this was great! especially pietro and evan. so in love with him. well, write more plz! was this a one shot? i hope not. if not, update! good job! cuteness!
Angel Reid . Tobias Dominik chapter 1 . 5/7/2004
This made me happy. In the pants. **Giggles** Whe. One should not read your fiction while gets idea's, then one trys to spam you to write lots more fics. XD
darkdancer chapter 1 . 10/5/2003
That was great. Loved Pietro's 'demonstration'
merlinchylde chapter 1 . 8/9/2003
That was really sweet. _ Scott and Kurt are good together.
sick lil neko chapter 1 . 7/24/2003
BAMF chapter 1 . 6/1/2003
YA! I LOVED THAT IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! AH! I like the part where Kurt was thinking about killing Pietro with a steamroller. That made me laugh. This was cute and in charecter and really funny and there needs to be a continuation of this. LEMONY FRESH! LEMONY FRESH! *gets smacked.* Ow...okay maybe not lemony fresh. But a continuation none the less.
PseudoBohemian chapter 1 . 5/20/2003
Nice story. Fluffy and a cool any more of it planned?

Tenshisonnet chapter 1 . 4/29/2003
This was a perfectly cute get together fic. Good job! Being that you don't like this pairing I won't demand you write more, but consider it!
Furor Paxx chapter 1 . 4/22/2003
Hm. Does that bit about the schoolgirl and vodka have any -personal- memories for you, cause it sure did sound accurate... (my mom told me she drank half a bottle of shnapps because she thought it was applejuice- it bothers me to picture that and yr simile brought it all back.)

Anyway, the story was funny. I just about died laughing when Scott came in.
TFslash chapter 1 . 3/29/2003
cool fic, interestingly written with a neat style. I especially loved that Kurt was the initiator, usually its Scott. So just um ah general YAY to you and your fic.
Death Lord La chapter 1 . 2/21/2003
Scott and Kurt are adorable together! What acute ficcy _ you should write more!
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