Reviews for Transgressions
doctorwholover chapter 1 . 6/29/2017
Loved this story 3
New Eliza D chapter 1 . 12/11/2016
I love Tentoo and Rose and your fic Meade me feel so many feels. Loved it.
callistawolf chapter 1 . 12/6/2016
To Endelda and LieselMargarite, thanks for the kind words *blows kisses*

To KeplersDream, you couldn't know that this is a repost of a (very) old fanfic, so I'll excuse you for that. My first major multichapter for this fandom, in fact. It's pretty atrocious and I know it's atrocious. But I also don't believe in editing old works once they are posted (or, in this case... reposted)... I like to let them stand as their own sort of "time capsule", for better or worse. I can always look back at this fic and go "wow, I have grown". I kinda like that. I prefer that to what George Lucas did to the original Star Wars trilogy, going back in and smoothing out all the rough bits and making it "better". I preferred the non Special Editions and I'm always sad now when I watch, that the derpy moments are now "fixed". Anyhow. Thanks for giving this one a read. Honestly, anyone who reads this particular one all the way through gets a gold star AND a cookie! ;)
Endelda chapter 1 . 12/6/2016
I know (or at least I assume based on other reviews I've read from them) that KeplersDream isn't a big fan of "don't like, don't read" but seriously. Most writers don't post fic to participate in unsolicited writing workshop critique-ambushes.

Calli, thank you so much for re-posting these fics, I really missed them and I'm glad that people will have a chance to enjoy them again. I'm also really excited about the people who may now get a chance to enjoy them for the first time!
LieselMargarite chapter 1 . 12/6/2016
Listen here, Kepler's Dream! There are a lot of people grateful that Callistawolf has reposted her Doctor Who ficus, and we'd appreciate if you kept your opinions to yourself.

And...I'm only mostly joking.
KeplersDream chapter 1 . 12/5/2016
Unfortunately, I think the only two favourable characters in this story are Jake and Gemma. I give you credit for creating another female character who isn't a slag like so many other writers would have done. On one hand, we have a cheating Tentoo who, despite being "innocent" of any actual sexual infidelity, still betrayed Rose's trust and gets away with it because he's the male protagonist. On the other hand, instead of the 'valiant child' we've seen in series 1 and 4, the same one who left Jimmy Stone for sexual and emotional infidelity, we have a one-dimensional Rose who, at the expense of her self-respect, forgives his breach of trust in exchange for a couple of dates and a marriage proposal. Despite his history, as well as the fact that on some level, Tentoo went home with Gemma to get back at Rose, there would have to be some question as to his loyalty in the relationship. As loyal as Rose is, that is OOC for a woman who's been cheated on by at least one past boyfriend, especially when Tentoo is more concerned with 'proving his innocence' rather than doing any serious self-reflection over his behaviour. Had the roles been reversed, i.e., that Rose cheated on the Doctor, would you have been so forgiving of her behaviour? Personally, I think not.

This story could have been interesting from an introspective point-of-view had you been more honest about both Tentoo's and Rose's strengths and faults instead of shouldering Rose with the burden of the relationship (and allowing Tentoo to play prince without having to really acknowledge that he's a shit). This is one of the major issues some of us have with Ten/Rose shipper fics: Though we don't necessarily disagree with the ship itself, it seems to be a pattern that Tentoo/Ten are always right no matter what and the female characters (Rose, Donna, Martha, even Reinette) are always wrong and/or given the unrealistic, even abusive, task of "changing" or forgiving the Doctor's less admirable qualities at all cost. I think, from what I read of your other GiTF story, you did a better job of writing a more realistic Rose. Same with the Pretty Woman crossover that I read a while ago. In those stories, I believed the loyalty. Here, I'm begging Rose to leave him for someone who respects her.