Reviews for They Put Us Far Apart
neutral density chapter 3 . 2/16/2017
Poor Spencer-Lee.
All the pain he endures must be horrible.
I wonder how Gary Michaels will affect the story...
Its nice that there are people who care about the boy.
Too bad the Crawfords don't care about him that way.
Wow, Spencers' actual mother must be in shock seeing him,
and everyone just ignores her...
What will happen, next?!
neutral density chapter 2 . 1/3/2017
Spencer, or "Lee" seems to have gotten the short end of the stick, again.
Vinnie gets away with a lot and Diane should be more careful and now that these other people were becoming involved she may have made things much worse.
You captured his childs playfulness and mischievious nature perfectly.
Diane was rendered perfectly, as well.
I think she deserves what happens to her.
Spencer must be so hungry...
neutral density chapter 1 . 12/9/2016
I like this new story.
The way you are laying the groundwork for its universe is intriguing and has already drawn me in.
I think it would be great if you start them out (or continue them) as children before moving to adulthood.
The story would be more interesting in my opinion hearing how Spencer lived as a child (what he went through, etc.).
I await your continuation of this AU story very excitedly.
I know you will make it great!