Reviews for Tribe of Fusions
violet lilacs chapter 103 . 4/6
too lazy to think of an original comment for each chapter, but typing "noice" on every chapter feels like borderline trolling. so i didn't bother! also this was a noice story yey
violet lilacs chapter 2 . 4/4
dun dun dunn
violet lilacs chapter 1 . 4/4
Before I ever made a ffc account, I read your story. It was only up to like, 10 chapters or something, but I liked it plenty, so I decided to start reading this again! (bg cheering) I nearly did I spit take when I saw the chapter number though lol. 103?!
Blackie-Dono chapter 103 . 9/17/2019
It seems like this 3 year journey has come to an end, and everything about it was stunning. For me, going into this story right after TFONL, I had high expectations and you never failed to deliver because it seems with each new story you tell and each new chapter written it only got better and better. There aren’t many people who can craft such an interesting and compelling story like this so I truly appreciate the fact that you dedicated your time to do this and thank you for giving me something to look forward to for such a long time.
MissionX1 chapter 102 . 9/15/2019
This chapter was fantastic. In your opinion, which fusions are your personal favorites and why?
Shadow chapter 103 . 9/14/2019
Thank you for all the time and effort you have put into writing this story. I love this story. Also, i think you could publish some really good books.
MissionX1 chapter 103 . 9/14/2019
Who would win. Quinn or Ryder. Just asking.
austin.todd.315 chapter 103 . 9/12/2019
Well, that was certainly a great story! The final chapter was pretty fitting as well, as it leaves enough questions to be left up to interpretation.

I'm guessing Ren just wanted to ask Rebecca out in private.

I think the thing that impressed me the most about this story is how you were able to build the narrative around so many different OCs. From their relationships with other characters to how they effected the story as a whole. Was the general plot of this story already planned out from the very beginning? Because I personally feel that you did an excellent job fitting everybody into it.

Another big highlight for me personally was the fights. They were really intense, especially a lot of the fights from during the war, and when the characters were all trying to get back into the city. Many of these fights we're especially great, and some of them also felt really clever and tactical.

And of course, the story itself tackled a lot of great themes that made it very interesting.

Overall, this was a great story with a great conclusion.

Although, part of me would have liked for it to end with the birth of another Arceus Fusion.

But nevertheless, the ending is still great and I honestly think that it makes a lot of sense for it to have ended the way that it did. I'm hyped for your other stories as well. Great work! :)
Guest chapter 103 . 9/11/2019
Really great story. Wonder if there is ever going to be a form of sequel to this story if this is the end. It would be fun to see all the futures of each character and how they are doing now that everything is over.
GiratinaBeelezemonblaster369 chapter 103 . 9/11/2019
it's over... and what an ending! this has probably been one of may favorite fanfics to this day. please keep making fics like this because writers like you are what make fanfiction so amazing.
Void Reader chapter 103 . 9/10/2019
Wonderful. I never thought of Ren to actually have feelings for Rebecca, was he even aware of her’s or was that oblivious? Glad to know who Asher had interest in. That was exciting. Dakota gets first class? Why am I not surprised by Hawkins stunt. It’s nice to see everyone setting off to their futures. I can see their departures as their fade into light. Take care Norris. Good luck finding a way to become a vigilante Tamara, n don’t drive Spaz’s PI career crazy with your attics. N in my opinion, I say Quinn had been the main protagonists in this fanfic. Sometimes the observer can play bigger roles than others. This ending feels right. Everybody gets their futures to follow n the world will change for the better. This was fun. Goodbye, see you again.
austin.todd.315 chapter 102 . 9/4/2019
Can't wait for the conclusion of this story! Also Asher being a part of the council was a pretty big surprise, as was Juniper being the leader.

I'd like to see Data's reaction to this new council.
Void Reader chapter 102 . 8/31/2019
Well, after their well detailed explanation, I say I would not rather have any other to represent. But Juniper as leader was not and was I saw coming. Rebecca might as well hurry up n confess her feelings to Ren for I believe the International Council will be doing a lot of global traveling. Still don't know whose Asher was interested in. Make the final chapter the best in this fanfic. I want this committed to forever lasting memory. Update soon.
JDunks896 chapter 102 . 8/31/2019
Juniper for ******* mayor. She’s exactly the example the world needs- sleepy, content, and perfectly alright to go with the flow! As for Faust... good lord, why did the Fusion Hunters let him have movies to critique?! Hasn’t the world suffered enough from his actions?!

Although, in real life, I’d really appreciate someone that cynical to horror movies...
austin.todd.315 chapter 101 . 8/19/2019
It's a shame that the reputation of all of the Fusions isn't fully intact. And ironically, Data is most probably to blame for that. But perhaps the fact that the movement against Data was led by Fusions can hopefully help out with that.

With the village destroyed, I suppose that this is now the perfect opportunity in order to begin a new era for the villagers. It'll most probably be a very interesting time for sure, because there are still some many different paths that they can all potentially go down

I'm definitely looking forward to everybody's reaction to the announcement. Hopefully this will be a brand new era of peace.
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