Reviews for Cheesecake
TH chapter 1 . 1/2
If you ask me Dr. Cain saved the day. I would have cried if all that cheesecake went to waste.
apples in the rain chapter 1 . 6/9/2019
Hah! After all the mayhem of an everyday gossip chain, it slipped my mind that it actually was Zero's fault all along. Your Zero with his gloriously faulty memory that only keeps combat information... If he does remember, yep, no one can call him out. :3

Either way, the bottom line is that he did it for Iris, and it really did make her happy :)

Cain, too, for that matter. XD
Avihmed Enhanced chapter 1 . 4/13/2017
This was a great read! you made my day!

Can I still request for that Megaman Extreme 2 story? I know there's so much more you could do with the material. And your writing is just fabulous. You are able to capture how foreign and intrinsic the world of Megaman X is yet still keep it within logical bounds and make a coherent and believable story. Bravo. Please don't stop writing
Boneless Milkshake chapter 1 . 12/31/2016
What a wonderful writing style you have, it works especially well for this humorous story (I literally burst out laughing finding out that the commander is lactose intolerant haha)! I'll certainly be reading more of your works in future!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/14/2016
This was so funny! And in character. This was amazing. Well done.
The Unplanner chapter 1 . 12/12/2016
The minute I saw the words "most serious-est" in the summary, I knew this was the sort of fic that would brighten my day.

I like this interpretation of Colonel and Iris. It has unique undertones that are worth exploring, but since you already did that, it's time for Iris' pseudo-empathy to receive mixed messages and have decadent, crackfic-flavored cheesecake delivered in bulk to the only human at Hunter Base who can't eat it!

Sometimes Zero's memory impermanence causes major problems, up to and including new Maverick Wars. Sometimes they save his entire hard-earned reputation. This case is the second type.

I agree with Dr. Cain; cheesecake is my favorite!
Aegis Linnear chapter 1 . 12/11/2016
That was an absolute masterpiece. I'm a sucker for peacetime goings-on among warrior robots and doubly so interacting with humans (not least for the inevitable culture clash), and you're making perfect use of the system abilities and limits among them - Iris and her capabilities included - to nail a tiny, perfect farcical situation. I love it.
LW.exe chapter 1 . 12/11/2016
Haha, it was really fun. I love your writing.