Reviews for Family Business
shellz71 chapter 30 . 7/11
amazing story loved it thank you
Guest chapter 29 . 6/30
Am I the only one that would prefer Teddy with Misha?
Fleur50 chapter 29 . 6/20
Relecture... tellement bon...
Fleur50 chapter 28 . 6/19
Fleur50 chapter 16 . 6/18
ZdSg chapter 27 . 6/17
I absolutely love this story! I admit I never would’ve read it if u hadn’t mentioned that u r taking it down in July. There was a stir similar in some ways to this one that I started reading years ago but it was never finished but I think this one is more emotional and I’m loving it. Is Sophie pregnant?!
ZdSg chapter 26 . 6/17
ZdSg chapter 17 . 6/15
So sorry about your mom. You wrote this beautifully
ZdSg chapter 15 . 6/15
Did Diana mess with Hanson and phoebe?!
ZdSg chapter 14 . 6/15
I’ve never understood why ppl with money accept scholarships. Y not give it to someone else that really needs it? I keep thinking this baby belongs to ted
ZdSg chapter 13 . 6/15
I knew something regarding Sophie would happen at the pool! Wat I’ve been wondering since the beginning is if that baby is Ted’s!
ZdSg chapter 6 . 6/14
I agree with Brie. They have enough money and living 2 hours away from home for poor ppl is psychotic so y would billionaires do it? Too much love for work on both of their parts
Ms MMS chapter 1 . 4/3
Great chapter. I’m eager to see how Teddy’s and Sophie’s relationship progresses through this story. I sure they’ll have a happy ending since in the end I’m sure Ana will let love win out and be on their side. I can see that it will be a battle for Christian be ok with such a relationship.
izzybort chapter 30 . 3/31
Loved this story!
CupcakeW chapter 1 . 1/3
It's si sad this change with CG and Teddy. This rigid position just because Sophie's and Teddy. What about Taylor. Sophie was everything for him. Hard limits here for both. Tsk, tsk. They are kids. Sad.
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