Reviews for Saving Ensign Chekov
Musical Jedi chapter 10 . 8/6
Wow. I'm really late to this story but man. I read the whole thing in one sitting. I just HAD TO GET TO THE END. But boy. I love Pavel SO MUCH. And I love this story SO MUCH. I almost cried a few times.
Also I love Jim and Pavel's relationship. Soooooo sweet.
Guest chapter 10 . 8/31/2017
Love the ending, I feel like in most of the fics I come across everything is slash and it irritates me. This story sums up the bond the Enterprise crew members have a lot better. Especially the ending because in my opinion love in its purest form has absolutely nothing to do with romance. Real love to me is based on deep trust and respect between two people and is limitless. Jim definitely showed that there was nothing he wouldn't do to save his family in this. Great job and it didn't get too angsty.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/12/2017
ApplesEvilPie chapter 10 . 2/19/2017
I find Lauren intriguing. If you ever do make more of this or of her, I could definitely see her joining up with Starfleet once she has been reunited with family (I hope) and gets counsled.

Added to favorites!
booksfoodmusic-minion chapter 10 . 1/26/2017
This was amazing!
I loved all of it!
(Omg you mentioned me! It was definitely worth the time!)
I loved the interactions between all the crew, especially all the minute things! It was beautiful!
I eagerly await any future worksoneshots you write!
HGP chapter 10 . 1/18/2017
Dawww, what a lovely ending!
Such a wonderful little whump fic!

Sonar chapter 10 . 1/18/2017
Love it.
JustSlightlyConfused chapter 10 . 1/18/2017
So let me start off by saying thank you for putting so much time and effort and inspiration into this story. It really shines through in the chapters as I read them. Your character development was so detailed and layered and the plot flowed so nicely throughout the whole story.

I'll follow up from that by telling you how amazing it was to read this story in general. I've been writing in this community for over three years now, and when I first got into reading these stories as a sophomore in high school, I was reading as often as I could. There was something about following stories as they updated; something really exciting about waiting anxiously for the next chapter to drop because the last one had a monumental cliffhanger in it and I couldn't think straight until it was resolved. I don't know when that feeling got lost on me, I really don't. I think it sort of faded over time as I spent more time writing and less time reading.

And then when we all lost Anton Yelchin, I remember thinking no one was going to write stories about his characters anymore. I was heartbroken just thinking about how many people would never venture into this world again because they so closely associated him with Chekov. Of course, time passed and the grief began to heal, but I still felt this uneasiness. Still afraid that this community had been struck an irreparable blow.

But then this story was posted. There were already a few chapters up by the time I saw it, so I dove straight in. And I remember when I got to the latest update that I literally sat there staring at my phone going WHY! Why did you end it there! And so I would check back everyday, waiting to see if the story had been updated. I had that excitement back; looking forward to reading these kinds of stories again. And I don't think I even realized it until the last few chapters. So thank you for that.

This review has been so longwinded and I'm so sorry for that, but I just really wanted to let you know how great this story was and I much I enjoyed it. I hope you continue to share your writing with this community in the future.
equine02 chapter 10 . 1/18/2017
You are amazing! Oh, Anton! I was internally sobbing, but it didn't surface. Not today. But in ten years when it actually sinks in...
Wow, I love this so much!
I am looking forward to seeing more of Lauren possibly in the future- she is such an exciting and unique character! Again, loved this, and hope to read more of your stories soon:-)
Guest chapter 9 . 1/16/2017
AHHHHHH. AHHHHHHH. AHHHHHH. AHHHHHH. I'm literally sitting in my car and /out loud/ screamed NO when he got stabbed. The suspense is actually killing me oh my god. You're doing such a good job. I don't think I'll be able to breathe until the next update.
Hello chapter 9 . 1/16/2017
By the Great Bird of the Galaxy! That was intense! I need the next chapter, and I need it now! Post soon!
deepfathom chapter 10 . 1/18/2017
Aw, yaaayy! The chapter before this was so raw and gut-wrenching that I'm glad you didn't have to wait too long for inspiration to finish the rest, both for your sake and for ours, haha. Honestly, this story just takes my breath away. As I said before, I'm hardly familiar with the Star Trek reboot fandom in and of itself, but from what I've managed to squeeze in over the last few days of randomly becoming obsessed with said fandom, you are by far a master at capturing the true character and spirit of it all. I swear I might as well be watching the movies! And I love how you've drawn from the movies and the ongoing comics as well! That was a pleasant surprise and quite a coincidence since I've been working my way through the series over this past week. Anyway, that was a really long-winded way of saying "holy crap, this was fantastic and I can't wait to read more of your stories!". And, for stupid, weird brain reasons having to do with a severe lack of confidence in myself, I hardly EVER say that to people. I've never had a reason to before now because, as I said before, this is truly some of the best I've seen on this site. Thank you so much for giving us this story! Such amazing work, and I'll definitely be on the lookout for more from you! :)
LadyEnterprise1701 chapter 10 . 1/18/2017
(*sighs happily*) So sweet. So perfect. I totally understand why you'd get a little teary-eyed for this one. I for one would be 100% interested in a Lauren story! Also anything with Carol and Baby David (*grins*).
only-some-loser chapter 10 . 1/18/2017
I absolutely adore this. Aside from this chapter, I read it all in a day. It's very, very good.
only-some-loser chapter 9 . 1/17/2017
Dude this is so freaking good oh my gosh
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