Reviews for Asphodel
Guest chapter 17 . 10/31/2019
I’ve read through the story up to this point and the progression of Vaati coming to terms with the new technology and friendship with Zelda/Sheik is well handled! I have read your other fics as well and adore them, too! Please keep it up when you can, fleets!
Mirria1 chapter 17 . 5/28/2019
Man, it’s been a long time! I really hope you’re still continuing this, I gotta know what’ll happen with Vaati. Will he ever be able to leave that device?
Hope you’re doing well. :)
C0rrupt3dSpy chapter 15 . 5/8/2019
i like this
Reiko x 3 chapter 17 . 7/29/2018
This is good. This is very, very good. But I am too sleep deprived right now to come up with anything more coherent than this.
VaaZel chapter 2 . 2/13/2018
Hi! I totally LOVE this story, it's absolutely fantastic. I don't know if it is complete or not... but I'd like to translate it in italian...
Guest chapter 17 . 2/13/2018
I hope you update soon... This is an amazing story, and I'm not the most patient person.
lordvaatithewindmage chapter 17 . 1/10/2018
Thank you for updating despite real life! So vaati have made it thrugh the dark tunnel, but what will they find on the other side? Cant wait till next update!
Ai Star chapter 17 . 1/10/2018
Daaaw that is so sweet! Good thing he's learned a lessson-kind of X)

Don't we know it XD always rushed without truly thinking of a plan
Kaze Hana chapter 17 . 1/9/2018
THIS WAS WORTH THE WAIT! Sorry for shouting but, honestly; this one was really good. I really liked how the chapter ended, it fit so perfectly; I cannot thank you enough for continuing such a thought invoking narrative~
Mari chapter 16 . 11/26/2017
This fic is so amazing. You should be proud of yourself.
Apocalypse-Mage chapter 16 . 9/26/2017


Ok, so Zelda being worried about Vaati at the start tugged at me lil heartstrings. And of course when i saw the "i will stay here" i jsut knew. Vaati. Vaati you little shit i know that you're a stubborn old man but don't break ur promises (AS IT TURNS OUT, IT MAY NOT TURN OUT WELL FOR YOU) AND THEN THAT BIT OF GANONDORF INFO WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU SNEAKY OL TRIFORCE BEARING DEMON LORD. Also, WHAT is Veran doing with Hilda. Hilda, please, my girl, be careful i love you. And Veran pls you be nice pls.

AND THEN FRGDHSDG VAATI. VAATI. OH NO VAATI. THIS POOR LITTLE GRAPE IM CRYING VAATI I KNOW YOU ONCE WERE A TERRIBLE LITTLE BRAT BUT, THIS IS. IM JUST. HERKGFHR. Ok, so that scene really showed how being sealed affected Vaats, and. Im so. sad. I'm crying vaati hrglhrglrt and then Sheik trying to comfort him and Vaati not believing anything is real im. im. its jsut so,,, omg.

AN THEN THAT LAST DREAM SCENE (memory scene? probably lol) ITS MY LITTLE SHIT BACK WHEN HE WAS A TINY GRAPE ASSHOLE. How times have changed,,, but! i loved seeing the reminiscing of those memories! It shows as a very clear contrast of what Vaati was, and how he has changed, although to see him change from a bratty arrogant theatre-ready teen to his current rather... jaded self is. woah. Like I said, it really serves as a contrast, especially to the previous scene (hjghrlt I'm still crying)

As always, your writing amazes me ;o; Looking forward to next chapter! I can't wait to see how Vaati will react upon waking up lol (pls give him that piece of happiness. this poor boy,,, my heart goes out to him even though he's a little shit and the hardest boss in Minish Cap with his tHREE FUCKING FORMS)
Aressia chapter 3 . 9/17/2017
He remembered fear... Wow, loved that part, just imagining him feeling fear is such an interesting idea! I'll keep reading see you later :3
Ai Star chapter 16 . 9/12/2017
I feel bad for Vaati and yet I feel like either pinching or slapping him before saying "get it together man!" He should have listened to Sheik...

Reads notes- true
Meta-Akira chapter 16 . 9/7/2017
Ah, there are the shattered pieces I knew were hiding in there somewhere. No one can stay completely alone in darkness for thousands of years and come out in one piece mentally. I'm glad you addressed it, even if it is tragic and terrifying. Now the real question is was it caused purely by the darkness, or did someone else have a hand in triggering it?
At the same time I am also on edge from where you left it, and I gotta hang tight until your next update. I hope it's sooner rather than later, but I know you must have real life stuff to do as well. Do not take my digressions too much to heart.
Kaze Hana chapter 16 . 9/7/2017
Oh my god, my feels; I love this and hate this all of the same time- AWESOME
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