Reviews for All I want for Christmas is you
Minight51 chapter 1 . 6/3/2017
Oh please make a second chapter. So much you could do with it.
MariaGv chapter 1 . 4/15/2017
You know.. i hate that the post button is that close to where i have to touch to keep typing.. since i hate these touch screens nonesenses! I WASNT FINISHED! \_/ *ROAR* (oh brother.. it was saying please shut you mouth) Never! LethanWolf says long rdviews are great, so away with the... but anywho, then when Toshiro was going on about "I dont...know... how good I'll be but I'll try" and the "for you... I want to... give back..." that so touching and awesome.. i was looking forward to it.. but i suppose its not really meant to be since the story ends with Ichigoin Toshiro's place right before Christmas... there should like a sequel here or something! XD hehe.. but while reading this I could help thinking about last story where they had sex and those words coming out of Toshiros mouth there.. it was so fascinating to see him being all dont talk like that and pretty much proper-like. I love seeing these sides to him! Very much! He jyst seriously comes alive I guess.. but seriously that last line of "Ahh Kurosaki, how the tables have turned" was masterfully done and being put there on the end! Brilliant work... now to relog in after i post and see if i can add to my favs... hmm
Maria Gv chapter 1 . 4/15/2017
OH MY GOD! THIS WAS SUCH AWESOME-SAUCE! 3 I looooved it very very very much! Nico is lucky to have gotten such a great gift! So LUCKY! (Stop yelling you crazy banshee!) I looved it.. even though its not hristmas it was marvelous! (Well its good its not Christmas you hate winter) ..uh.. heh heh.. that is true.. (yeah even though your born in December..) blen... I hate it.. well i like being a sagittarius.. just not the winter part.. i love my sun, heat, running around in shorts sandals and tank tops.. (yeah that in the mountains of snow you get..) :( not cool..but stop distracting me with random gerbal food.. huh.. that feels mispelled.. come on Voicecovich wake up! (Stop calling me that! Ugh!). Oh man I get such a kick out of Toshiro in your stories.. he was all stop sniffing like a pervert.. and that just makes me laugh and laugh.. so amusing are his respondes to Ichigo it just makes me laugh, happy, feel [or really demand] that they always be together! They work so perfectly! But stay on target, there were great lines in this one too! When Toshiro kep up the, Kurosaki! Dont speak like that/its impolite/ please stop using foul language. I laughed but I enjoyed tnis little glimmer into what he thinks is proper you know cause of inexperience - and you demonstrated it perfectly! As well as Ichigo letting him know that its ok to be that way with out mzking feel foolish or pathetic for not knowing, of course Ichigo picking up on Toshiro being a virgin was wonderful to see as well!
sirius1696 chapter 1 . 1/22/2017
This is glorious, although it's cruel to leave us hanging on what happened next smh...
MissyTh3Mast3r chapter 1 . 1/4/2017
NicoleBL chapter 1 . 1/3/2017
HAHAHAHA ohh the ending asdfghjjl gawds Rangiku is the best! Awwwww though wanted to see what Tosh will do with his gift! It was super hilarious I can't stop grinning my cheeks started to hurt xD
Gods I adore ADORE fics written in this universe and this one was amazing, I was opening this since it got uploaded and forgot what was in the summary so it was surprising to me too wgen Ichigo opened his bedroom door to find the lil captain naked with CHRISTMAS BOXERS! hahahah awwwww Id guess that was a gift from Rangiku it should be! I can't imagine Toushiro buying those kind of things himself though how he had actually worn them beats me xD hmm maybe he has a thing for ridiculous colorful underwear but since (he thought) no one is going to them then it's ok! Hahaha that's so absurd yet so cute.
I love Ichigo's dirty talk and Toushiro's reactions towards them even though they were doing obscene things as Ichigo says it ' worried about being so polite' LOLOL that line was hilarious ! I couldn't get the image out of my head so hot yet makes you laugh so hard gods I love his innocence XDD! It's so adorable!
Wah that's just another smutty scene that didn't make it to the last but was so amazing :"D I guess whenever they talk more during it it makes things more enticing!
Wow I can't believe Tosh had actually admitted to Rangiku that he would have kissed Ichigo! Although maybe took a lot of effort of her to take that information out but at the end she was successful. I really love when she does those things :"D Aside from how funny her actions are, I guess you could see how much she loves her friend that she wants to see him happy yknoow? Like she wants him to have friends and get a boyfriend and have a life outside the boring office and stuff, although she had to endure all the yellings or possible punishments haha but at least she was successful xD *hears*
You're wonderful you know that?! Thank you so much I really appreciate you've written this as a Christmas gift for me! Of course I loved it and enjoyed to no end! :") Thank you so so sooo much T_T I hope you had a a great Christmas! *sending big hearts across countries*
Geishaaa chapter 1 . 12/25/2016

bloody Rangiku, she's always got to meddle and get involved where she doesnt belong! (Kidding of course, where would these two boys be without her XD and I love her methods in 'helping' them XD)

ahahahahh gods tosh is cute with his little christmas boxers gaaah adorable XD no wonder ichigo thinks he's so cute ;)

Poor tosh doesnt really know what he's doing though, does he? He seems pretty in denial about some stuff and i love how he wanted to kiss ichigo at his party but not then in ichigos bedroom because he's partially naked XD that should be more of a reason to kiss someone, tosh XD THE BLOW JOB WAS SOOOOOO GREAT :D Tosh was so cute afterwards too when he was trying to build himself up to return the favour but he was really nervous ahhh adorable!

Ichigo and his obscene choice of words XD poor tosh isnt ready for that XD

Ahh Rangiku strikes again! this time ichigo is tosh's present ;) I really wish i got to read what happened after that ahahah XD
Dsephna chapter 1 . 12/25/2016
"stop being so stiff and kiss me",- that pun was overkill for me daayuuuumm!
Anyway,wow i was suprised at toshiro's innocence here with his lines while ichigo is jerking him off and stuff but it really was appropriate for this. His eagerness for ichigo in the smut part was delivered in an awkward way but it worked out greatly for the fic and it really added how innocent or really inexperienced toshiro here. overall,this is a great smut fic
ShiroShipShipShipShip chapter 1 . 12/24/2016
YAYY, so cute! I love a shy, demure Toshiro... and the ending is just perfect! Best. Christmas. Gift. EVER. I really loved it! Looking forward to other fics coming up!