Reviews for Mama's Memory Book
Hermione Jean McGonagall chapter 1 . 1/29/2018
The year had a lot of special moments for Drill family.

Yes, all relatives and friends looked forward to the little Drill. However, Ava gave Constance possibility to have childhood for a little while that she almost didn't have. Daughters are possibility of present, but this is lost possibility of the past. But it was given on that day, and this is priceless.
Princess Sammi chapter 1 . 1/3/2017
Sorry it took me so long to get here but it was worth it as this is all types of adorable. From start to finish, I just loved every single bit and think it is a very carefully crafted together "behind the scenes". Also, I had to laugh at the reference to the hayfever fiasco! :D *memories*

I loved all of the stories behind the snapshot memories between Constance and her special girls but I think my favourite was probably the Abby/Mama section - especially the words Imogen sent along with the texted photograph *squee*

Obviously, the one where Constance has her hand over the bump as they look out to sea is also too perfect.

Princess S

P.S I am interested to find out the name of new Baby Drill!
P.S.S I know I shouldn't have favourites but Ava is totes my fav ;)
P.S.S.S Happy New Year to you too, hunnii.