Reviews for Tradeoffs
Jina' Maheea chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
Nice scene. Really like the Connor/Mags interaction .
emkaybee chapter 1 . 1/9/2017
I forgot to post a review when I first read this but stumbled across this again, so here I am. I live for the I-am-going-to-semi-insult-and-annoy-you-because-I-love-you relationship between Connor and Mags. On another note, there's something I've noticed with your writing and I'm not sure if it's deliberate; there's a lot of ambiguity with relation to what the character is thinking. I'm not sure if I worded that right. Like, your lines can be really vague and I have to either fill in the gaps for myself with imagination or wait until more is revealed about things. I don't mean this in a bad way. I quite like it sometimes. Or maybe I'm looking too much into it and picking up on something that isn't there. Idk. Last words before I sign off: I enjoyed reading your stuff as always and thanks for quenching my Connor/Magda thirst!