Reviews for The Villain Wrangler
PrincessMagic chapter 30 . 7/25
maesde chapter 30 . 7/25
I found this fic and read it all in one go. Amazing story! Wasn't expecting to find this hidden jem at all, and now I can't wait for more updates! I even wonder if in between every sad news, Harley is ever going to try something with Danny ha!
Funny stuff aside, great fic :) Thank you for sharing!
Twilight-Lloyd chapter 7 . 7/24
Alright I’m officially hooked. This is funny as hell
Lord-Chrono chapter 30 . 7/24
Excellent writing, amazing story so far with every chapter I read I couldn’t help but look forward to three more and before I knew it I hit 30 chapters! I eagerly look forward to many more in the future.
Lord-Chrono chapter 8 . 7/23
This is an amazing story but every chapter almost makes me cry but I can’t help but read more!
SONGUE chapter 30 . 7/22
then let me add my own, parabéns pela belíssima estória, dias bons e dias ruins muito bem escritos, sempre um prazer ler novos capítulos de sua obra!
James chapter 30 . 7/20
Oi this one punched me in the gut - as I do Make a Wish events I've attended more than one of these funerals too. Beautiful writing, beautiful story, looking forward to whatever else you put forward.
Le Phoque Blanc chapter 30 . 7/22
Cemalidor chapter 26 . 7/21
Kinda curious if said aunt will make it to said trial. ;;
Big Fan chapter 30 . 7/19
Right in the feels! This was sooo goood. Will you do any follow ups with some of the already visited villains and kids?
Cemalidor chapter 7 . 7/21
Actually i expected Batman himself to be all over him, but probably Selina gave him some head up there. :XD
Nofear4231 chapter 30 . 7/21
Doing great
Pitch'snieceanddaughterofMew chapter 5 . 7/20
Zyanadryn chapter 30 . 7/20
Love this story
Nuthnmuchu chapter 30 . 7/20
One of my favorite stories on this site. Not sure if this is the end, but it was a great way to conclude if it was. Keep up the great writing!
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