Reviews for Red Jungle
queen cullen0527 chapter 10 . 5/25
Well I figured out some. Why didn’t they say something about throwing Christian out. At least Elliot didn’t bust him. I hope he starts opening up. I hope you update soon.
Denie1943 chapter 10 . 5/20
Just had to trash this lovely story with Elena. Sorry, but I detest Elena and her BDSM.
Twinder chapter 10 . 5/12
Awesome story so far! I can't wait for more!
lilkathra chapter 10 . 4/10
love to know what happens next
velosews chapter 10 . 4/7
I look forward to the next chapters. He feels at home.
CTHEWOODS chapter 10 . 4/6
He better be forgetting those 10 digits or I'll be shooting him I can't stand that skank and I don't want him anywhere around Elena! The bullsheet jabs she keeps throwing Ana's way would be enough for me to kick her put it nicely;)! And even tho I was raised a sweet southern girl with manners, the bitchtroll deserves NONE OF THOSE. And especially in the 60's ... Ana wouldn't take any of it. Chicks were coming into their own and wouldn't take crap off anybody.
Which leads me to Christian...he's definitely suffering from PTSD...BIGTIME! He needs to start opening up to Ana if for nothing else, but to release some of that stress. Did he leave Grace and Carrick from shame for what the skank was doing with him? Whatever the reason, I hope opens up to Ana whats going on in that head of his. I think he needs mega weed to relax him A LOT and let her in.
This is my favorite story and do hope you finish it! It brings back so many good and bad memories of my youth and I love you bringing them all back! More, please!;j
DoloresDeeHowe chapter 9 . 4/6
I knew the B***ch troll had to crawl from under her rock.
DoloresDeeHowe chapter 8 . 4/6
Good chapter. I am glad he couldn't go through with tehe blonde.i would like to see them talk about what they want from each other. Would like to see Christain start interacting with Teddy. Would love to see Christain get the upper hand with his bossvand surpass him in the business world. I grew up during Nam and watched the military come home to be ignored and people being hateful to them. No parades no welcome home. It was sad none of them wanted to be over there. I would love to see Ana go back to school and get the job of her dreams. Thank you
vamomoftwins chapter 10 . 4/6
zeeulove chapter 10 . 4/1
He needs to open up to Ana before he loose her as well. I don't like Elena, I hope we won't see her again. Thanks for the update
Guest chapter 10 . 3/31
Just found this and I like it. It's a little slow and drags and I hope you speed it up.
I'm going to wait to see if you update it regularly before I invest any more time in it. Good plot, and its different...I hope you dont abandon it again
Ajal2007 chapter 8 . 3/31
I am so excited you are going to continue writing ! THANKYOU
emi17 chapter 10 . 3/31
Please continue to update this exciting story. Need more info on Christians past life. What made Carrick and grace kick him out when he turned ?
Guest chapter 10 . 3/30
I just came across this story and I love it! A mix of fiction and realistic events hits the heart. It’s a somber reminder of that time in history, and what men went through upon their not so welcoming return home. Can’t wait to see the love, trust, and redemption unfold between them. I hope you do continue.
Sofia chapter 10 . 3/30
I just found out this story and I’m already addicted to it! It’s so good ;) Please, please keep updating it!
Your writing skills are beautiful.
I can’t wait to read more.
Stay safe,xx
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