Reviews for Fantastic Heroes and Where to Find Them
PrincessStarberry chapter 1 . 2/20/2019
Oh my goodness, yes! I've been on a Marvel kick for about a year, and when I saw Fantastic Beasts 2 back in the fall, I thought, "What would little Steve and Bucky think about all this?"-and now I know-and have a strong suspicion that Mrs. Rogers knows quite a bit more about the Wizarding world than she's letting on-can't wait to see how that plays out! :D
Sean Malloy-1 chapter 1 . 11/28/2018
I hope there'll be a sequel
LaughUrHeartOut chapter 1 . 11/23/2018
I'm really hoping this gets updated! I loved this story, and am hoping for more! Thank you, so much! 3
GenderBender25 chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
I really think this could be a great story of you find time to continue it.
AngelfromBeyondBelow chapter 1 . 1/27/2018
Love this story! Such a brilliant idea, and I was so surprised that it is the only one in this crossover category. I hope that you write more and bring in more Fantastic Beasts characters and explain why Steve's mother knows Grindelwald's name.
Juxshoa chapter 1 . 11/5/2017
Wow, wasn't expecting much from this story, but I'm glad I read it! I hope there's a continuation of this because it was really good!
Scarlett Barnes chapter 1 . 11/4/2017
Oh my goodness, this was so good and I am amazed that I have never seen another fic with this crossover. The two stories intersect and intertwine just perfectly, and you handled it like an expert. I would love, LOVE if you continued this; I’m desperate for an explanation of Sarah’s reaction to hearing Grindlewald’s name. Ahhh! This was just so incredible, thank you for sharing!
For.the.LOVE.of.Severus chapter 1 . 4/28/2017
Oh this was lovely and I really hope you do more.
Model Builder chapter 1 . 3/3/2017
First, let me say that I really, really like stories that show significant scenes from one fandom from the point of view of people from another fandom who have no idea of what it is that they are actually seeing.

And second, let me say that this story did not disappoint. I thought that you captured young Steve and Bucky VERY well. I also liked the way you wove in details from FBaWtFT from the boys' point of view (that passing line about the "crazy lady with the pamphlets" made me chuckle - and in a good way.)

Please make good your ideas to expand on what you have written. You've got lots of talent and imagination.
JadeMWong chapter 1 . 2/3/2017
Oh my god how did it take me this long to be aware of this fan fiction? You've taken two of my favorite fandoms and blended into something so seamless and exciting. I loved "man witches", I don't know why, but that term made me chuckle. There's a hint of innocence in that term that I love to correlate with Steve Rogers lol. And I absolutely love the bromance between Steve and Bucky. Sigh, you did really well bringing two universes together here, TUS.
haku fan1 chapter 1 . 1/21/2017
I Love the fact your mixing these two universes so well. I would really love to read more!
LydiaDStories chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
This was amazing, I cant wait to see what you do with it!
Yesimevil chapter 1 . 1/14/2017
Lolz but... wat does gridalwald hav to do with mrs rogers?
paintbuckets chapter 1 . 1/12/2017
HOLY MERLIN, this was the BEST. I just randomly stumbled across this and I will definitely reread. The writing is superb, I can't say that enough, and all the little hints and mysteries you wove into Steve's life were SO exciting to read! I 100% support any further explorations into this plot.
Qweb chapter 1 . 1/8/2017
This was interesting. I look forward to more.
So Sarah knows the wizarding world. Wonder if she was cast out for marrying a nomag.
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