Reviews for Unwanted desires
bkh chapter 6 . 7/30/2005
wow...i love it...its so romantic and ~sighs~ i wish that was me when the next chapter is up
shinyhappypeoples chapter 6 . 7/22/2005
DarthRoden76 chapter 6 . 1/16/2004
Greetings sunshineangels!
This is a great story! Keep writing!
ToMsDaRkAnGeL chapter 6 . 11/6/2003

Your story ROCKS!
Anna Malfoy chapter 1 . 5/27/2003
Hi i love the story write more e mail me as soon as u update
AA1477 chapter 6 . 5/3/2003
This is really good, keep writing!
Julin chapter 6 . 3/22/2003
more more more!i love it!
Miss. Charlet chapter 6 . 3/18/2003
aw! how sweet! Hermionie rocks in this chapter!
Blue eyes19 chapter 6 . 3/15/2003
this is so good, you have got to post more,and soon i hope...i love Draco and Ginny stories...really fluffy ones too...
girlgoneinsane chapter 6 . 3/12/2003
omg! omg! omg! . . . . . .oh my god. . . lol. sex scenes, sex scenes, sex scenes. aww come on. . . more please! lol. please update soon! i cant WAIT! ginny and draco in a tree. . . . k - i - s - s - i - n - g . . . . . lol. . . please continue soon! asap! lol. i really like this! its so good!
Dorks Annonymous chapter 4 . 3/12/2003
Caffeine chapter 6 . 3/8/2003
yay! there all in character and its not a stupid mary sue! *cheers* Congrates for this marvolius fic, very well written hope to see more soon, NO MARY SUE YES!
Anaxandra1 chapter 6 . 3/7/2003
okay first of all are you noticing my review spree? yup, three reviews at once! arnt you proud?

anyway about this chapter. first of all two thumbs up for the most fluet, believable dialouge you've ever written for this story. I'm talking about the begining when harry,hermione, ron ang ginny are sitting at the three broomsticks. really way to go! the small talk, the jokes, just everything!

oh and about pansy, I repeat:gr.

she just makes me mad! such a gossiping annoying busybody. you sure managed to get that through. especially when she told dracoabout how he'd never believe that ginny was in love.

though from there, I mean the confrentation between draco and pansy was a little strained, to mechanic.

the part where ginny was forced to answer was great though! you could practiclly feel the presure closing in on her. her answer maneged to suprise me though. I was expecting her to tell the truth. its a good suprise in any case.

the sibiling scene was great! pure sweetness.

the scene where ginny breaks up with draco was a bit over dramatic and rushed. but the scene with hermione was great! you continued the wonderful fluent dialoug.

the sex scene was good as well. not to corny if thats what your wondering.

only now it remains to be seen. what will happen the next day? will they make their realationship public? if so how will ron react?

you really must up date soon.
Anaxandra1 chapter 5 . 3/7/2003
well, that was a refreashening chapter. you know the kind where you know everything is going to turn out fine.

now to the specifics I cant live with out.

the inner dialoug that draco had was very good. stating all the problams yet it wasnt over dramatic.

and ginny, ginny was just the symbol of sweetness throughout the chapter. something which you varied in the begining when she actually took the innisiative.

and oh I loved the first sentance of the second part. whem ginny woke up. it honastly made me feel all cuddly inside. I swear there is nothing better then waking up in the morning and knowing this is going to be a good day and being able to know why.

at breakfast ginny's latness was there to emaphasis her different state of mind then the rest.

and well as for pansy, all I have to say is: gr.

she is so anoying! and I can really understand draco's thoughts of pro's and con's. you never really know if the person you feel for will be rational. after all isnt love, in all its wonderful dizzynes the opisette of reason? and arnt draco and ginny as a pairing defying reason? wow the last line was a bit rambly, right? this is my que to stop.

great (sweet) chapter.
Anaxandra1 chapter 4 . 3/7/2003
okay, first of all I apolagise for not reviewing for a long time, but I do have an excuse. remember the book I told you I was reading, well in the end I didnt have to finish it so soon and I had until the next wendsday, of course I only found this out once I'd finished reading it. so where is the reason for the delay you ask. right then, being the *brilliant* person that I am I actually read the whole textbook and, um, forgot to take notes. yes I had to do it all over again! and take notes this time! I mean honestly who reads a textbook and doesnt write a summery or notes? me apparentlly.

right then, ahem. I'll just try to pick up the remains of my dignity. I know the must be around here somewhere.

following that I had a four day field trip which I just got back from (not to speak of the history test I have on tuesday which I havnt even started preparing for). so you see these are my excuses. what do you say? can you find in you to forgive?

asuming you have I'll just get on with the review.

first of all, its really nice in the beginingwhen ginny compares her crush on harry to the one on draco. that way we know for sure that its more serious, because she already faced that question. and the way she trys to reason with herself about why she likes draco and why she shouldnt is great as well, again it helps to reassure us that this is more than a passing fling.

moving on to the second part, I really liked the way harry was there when ginny enterd the office, it gave the faal of hermione and harry together.

and another tiny thing that I loved, you probably didnt mean it that way but I loved it anyway. when hermione said "40% of your classes" evem though she wasnt trying to be "head girlish" the forty percent was such a mathamaticle itelligent way of looking at things-tottally head girlish.

and one thing that I can definatlly identify with is ginny's embaracment throughout the chapter once you have to facce the person you have a crish on when he knows it. or the fear of telling someone else cause it just may slip out.

I liked the way you used ginny's read hair to symbolise everything draco isnt suposed to want (that damn red hair). not only does it symbolise the waesly family which in its livleness is the oppiset of the malfoys. but it also symbolises the gryffindor red. and fire as apposed to draco's "wintery" looks.

though the "I cant offer you anything" was a bit to dramatic for a seventeen year old to say.

but later on was really good. when harry came in. he's the oppiset of draco, when one makes her cry, the other comes to comfert.

and the dialoug between harry and hermione was good, if a bit strained. it let us see some interaction between the two, who are otherwise left as a symbol to all that is good.

and man!I admire ginny's spunk! I would never have the courage to do that and just confront someone like that!

but the last part was very nice, the way we cold see the change of heart coming over draco. it looked reasonable and not just to sudden.

anyway all in all great job and I'm off to the next chapter.
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