Reviews for All Hallows' Eve
BookloverAlive chapter 5 . 5/18/2019
Oooh cliffhanger! Will there be an end to the scavenger hunt? Love the story thus far!
Nancy chapter 5 . 8/29/2017
A fun scavenger hunt - he is a bit embarrassed with the Patty and Babette exchange (I would be too!) Cesar is a good guy. Wonder if Rory is watching? He is having fun (goal achieved) Thanks. More soon please.
Dreaming Haven chapter 5 . 8/28/2017
Love that Jess is participating in the hunt. Checking the table was funny with Ms. Patty and Babette.
Droolia chapter 4 . 8/28/2017
I love the idea of Rory making Jess go on a scavenger hunt. Obviously they're not together yet because if they were, he wouldn't do it.
Nancy chapter 4 . 8/23/2017
Glad to see the update. Ah, Rory got inspiration: a birthday scavenger hunt and Jess is going to go along with it. What fun! Thanks. More soon. Keep up the good work.
AJ Granger chapter 4 . 8/23/2017
A birthday scavenger hunt, huh...interesting. Though Rory made plans with her mom, when she could have tried to leave the time open to potentially have a date with Jess, or even treat him to something since it's his birthday, and she's been pretty crappy towards him for over a year, though especially bad since at least Sookie's wedding.
AJ Granger chapter 3 . 8/23/2017
The show was lousy with timing things, but the dance marathon where Dean and Rory broke up was like November 5, one of the rare dates we get on the show. As it's an annual event that only got attention one year of the seven, I think you are forgiven for wanting to make it earlier. Just like the show never dealt with Jess's age or mentioned a birthday. Basically, he was seventeen for a year and a half, though ideally, if his birthday was post Rory's (October 8, I believe, and they are in the same year of school, then he's actually younger than her). Also, no one ever celebrates his birthday or even mentioned it, and if it occurred between November and roughly April while they were dating, then I'd think Rory would have known and done something for it. Then again, the show never had the two celebrate Christmas together either.
You write well, and I appreciate the new idea.
Dreaming Haven chapter 4 . 8/22/2017
Really good update.I just love Rory and Jess together!
Nancy chapter 3 . 7/18/2017
Rory now knows his birthdate. Planning, planning! Hope it goes well and is fun. I am sure it is difficult to react in a happy and positive way to anything being done on one's behalf when one grew up without any visible sign of real love or acceptance. Jess has a challenging job to navigate any positive anything from anybody because he was never treated kindly by his mother or her notorious roster of abusive (more than one kind of abuse!) boyfriends. Hope Rory's plan is well carried out; Jess tries his best, but when one has never been part of anything really kind, he is unaware of what a correct response is - he needs help navigating. But, people aren't aware of his upbringing and simply think he is a mean spirited bad boy - well, that is one cover and leaves Jess pretty much alone which he has been most of his life. Luke and Rory are the ones who see / know. Thanks. More soon please.
Emily chapter 3 . 7/17/2017
Hey, cool! You're back! Can't wait to see what Rory has planned...
Guest chapter 2 . 1/15/2017
I really like this please continue!
Emily chapter 1 . 1/8/2017
I like this so far! The only problem is that I want to know what happens next!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/8/2017
Update please
Nancy chapter 1 . 1/8/2017
Lorelai makes real sense here - okay, is somebody working in the back and comes out to help? Can't wait!
DrewSaywer chapter 2 . 1/9/2017
I really liked this. The part with Patty charging people for a trip down Rory and Dean lane was hilarious. As was everything with Kirk. The poisoning, the "girl at the party crying", the lying on the ground outside Luke's... Hilarious!
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