Reviews for Arkhamverse 7: Alan
TheLilyoftheValley chapter 1 . 1/13/2017
Woah! Sorry I took so long to review this story, these past two days have been very busy for me.

I have to say, right here and now, that my favorite stories out of all the ones you have written in the Batman category (I'll try the Portal ones when I get the chance) are the ones with these robot OCs. Hands down! I love these OCs so much and whenever I see a story with them in it, I freak out a little. They're an interesting concept, and they stand out in the universe. I love them so much!

And poor Eddie, I definitely know the feeling from when you've been outsmarted. It feels like your missing out on something important, missing out on a joke, or feeling replaced altogether; depends on the situation. Oh Eddie, I know how you feel, especially when one of your own creations turns into something that seems to have abilities that are better than your own. (I hope I didn't spoil anything for those that read the review first. But seriously, read all the stories with these OCs.)

Amazing story overall, and definitely on my list of favorites! XD