Reviews for Beauty and the Demon
Moka Bloodriver chapter 4 . 10/6/2017
I absolutely love Mey-Rin x Sebastian true love. I'm an eternally supporter for this couple. Please make more stories using this pairing
Aoko chapter 4 . 4/1/2017
Great chapter! Cannot wait to read more about Demon!Ciel/Lizzy.
promocat chapter 4 . 1/15/2017
such a perfect sex scene!(they are harder to write than most think)
WolveHulk chapter 4 . 1/15/2017
Great chapter bro see you sometime tomorrow.
promocat chapter 3 . 1/14/2017
what is mey-rins little secret?
promocat chapter 2 . 1/13/2017
glad to clear up what happened to ciel becoming a demon!thanks
WolveHulk chapter 2 . 1/13/2017
Well, that was great of Ciel to troll Lizzie about some of his past, part of relationship progress is about being open with one another.
CookiesNCreamNess chapter 2 . 1/13/2017
ERMAGAWSH, AWWWWWWW. This is so cute.

When Ciel was trying to explain his feelings, I was like “Daaaamn Ciel, smooooth.” (hint: sarcasm XP) I love how at the end he genuinely says 'I love you’. The fact that Lizzie was asleep definitely amplifies the sincerity of his words.

Gah, don’t hate me, but the thing I said about commas still stands. The way you’ve used them in that last ADORABLE scene doesn’t really make sense.

But other than that, ’twas fabulous to read.
promocat chapter 1 . 1/12/2017
so will ciel tell lizzie what he is now?he's always loved her in some way-not always as she wanted-but still-will sebastian approve this marriage?
CookiesNCreamNess chapter 1 . 1/12/2017

When Lizzie thought Ciel and Sebastian had a thing, it was HILARIOUS to read Ciel’s reaction. XD He was so horrified! It definitely gets the point across that there’s nothing between them, but also adds some fabulous comedic relief!

Okie, I hope you don’t mind one tinnyyyy note of criticism. In a lot of your paragraphs you have lots of words, but no full stops. It’s all just a bunch of commas! And yes, I love using commas in my work too but I feel like it makes the sentence go on and on and oonnn and that it would be much more effective if you split them into several different sentences. XD

There were a few mistakes in grammar, but let’s be real, GRAMMAR IS HARD so like that’s totally understandable. :D

I thought Sebastian was brilliantly in character. His actions and words felt like they came right out of the anime, so good on you for that!

Overall, I thought this was so cute with the relationship between Ciel and Lizzie. I think this chapter itself could also work as a one-shot because I reckon the last bit is adequate to be an ending. XD

ANYWAYS, enough of my blabbering. Happy writing :D
WolveHulk chapter 1 . 1/12/2017
Well, that was a good start.