Reviews for Flash Point
Akatsuki0001 chapter 1 . 6/20
Hey, hi, i was wondering if you will continue the story..?
oxBlueBlossomxo chapter 15 . 5/21
I check like weekly to see if you’ve updated this story... it’s kind of pathetic. I just love it so so much. All of your stories. All of your pairings! Hope you’re well!
chibichibigirl chapter 15 . 4/3
Ok so I did fall asleep before finishing this chapter, but I’ve finished it now!

Wow I have too many thoughts, but I’m not quite sure how to articulate them into this review...

This story is so beautifully written, the characters are fully rounded with clear desires and motivations, strengths and weaknesses. The reader feels the weight of emotions from their struggles and victories, moments of connection and of dissonance. I have become very attached to this story, this journey. It is a wonderful piece of art.

You have crafted the perfect yin and yang between Ino and Dei, opposing forces with an innate magnetism continuously pulling them back to each other despite, or because, of their differences. Slowly watching the walls of mistrust be broken down, the fine lines of partners and friends and something more intimate blur together till their are inexplicably wound around each other, ugh it just pulls on my heart.

I know this is going to sound trite, but I think Deidara was already a dead man walking before Kakuzu came into the picture. Of course he was struggling to stay alive for his mother, he owes her that much from what he’s put her through, but he himself really hasn’t been living.

Going from one illicit job to the next, just treading water to stay afloat for the sole purpose of providing for her, living in squalor and presumably isolation since Sasori is the only one he’s seen to be “friends” with of sorts outside of business relations. He’s essentially put himself into his own walking purgatory.

Now that Ino has come into his life-I told you this was going to sound trite-he’s got renewed conviction, a purpose that does not take away from his motivation to take care of his mother, but instills him with a desire to actually live beyond and for more than his penitent feelings.

Then there’s Ino. A rich heiress with all the material things she could want at her fingers, still working diligently to be the best damn layer around because she will accept nothing less than perfection, which includes from herself. Something that struck me about Ino was that, by her own admission, she really only takes on high-end cases from big corporations, not dealing with the plebeians and their small little poor people plights. However she also seems to have a firm moral compass when it comes to following the law, I was curious about how that aligns with these big corporations and the shady things they often get up to. I’ve literally heard higher ups my GF works with talk about benefit-cost analysis of the necessity of seismic retrofitting the building she’s in like “how many people would be potentially impacted versus the cost of what it will take to do the appropriate yada yada” basically saying how many people would die if we didn’t do this thing that will cost a lot of money? Are this many lives really worth the cost to us? I am curious about how a situation like that would play out with Ino since they’d also want to look at the legal ramifications of that.

One thing that I felt had been missing from Ino and Dei’s interactions would be Dei calling out something like that to Ino, especially when she’s been berating him about his illegal activities and justifying the ways of the law-well more so in the beginning, but still-when in reality some big corporations are the worst in terms of adherence to the law, but just have the money to get out of it. Or even her feelings of obvious loopholes they exploit that are still abiding by the law, but are not morally sound.

I can understand why you wouldn’t put that in though since it might end up being too preachy or distracting from the flow the story has now though, just a curious thought I had!

I’ve already talked about those moments of character growth Ino has had in other reviews so I won’t repeat it, but I wonder how Ino is going to view more pro bono cases like Deidara from now on. Before she made it obvious that what she saw on that sheet was the only thing that mattered, no further insight into the circumstances that could have pushed them to acquire it necessary. Now even though she still doesn’t condone Dei’s actions it’s clear that she can at least understand what wound him up in this situation he was in. It’s bringing out more of her humanity rather than the cold objectivity of her knowledge of what is “right or wrong” in the eyes of the law. Because let’s face it, just because it’s “lawful” doesn’t mean it’s right and I think it would be interesting for Ino to explore that more.

I also wonder about what a relationship for them would really look like when this is all over, assuming-hopefully-they’re still both alive *cough*NO suicide bombing for the sake of being a hero at the final climax Dei*cough* Her father obviously would have reservations due to his criminal history even if he did help save him. And what about the shareholders when they find out the heiress to the company is dating a criminal? Ooo juicy drama.

What does that look like for Dei? Living with Ino and trying to adjust to her lifestyle? Would he feel like he’s losing himself to try and mold into her pretty and perfect life? Would he leave behind his criminal actions and go straight? What does a job for Dei in Ino’s world look like? Maybe making explosives for the military? Or really being an independent contractor like he told Seigo? That society for sure wouldn’t accept him so how would they deal with that...

Anyways I need to wrap this up as I’m sure you’re tired of reading through the crazy ramblings of a sleep deprived fan. I hope this wasn’t too annoying, and if my musings and analysis were too dumb feel free to wipe them from your mind haha.

In the end I’m just very invested in this world you’ve woven, which shows what a terrific author you are. I love this story, I love Ino and Dei, and even if the story doesn’t continue I want you to know this is truly a work you should be proud of. I will certainly come back and read it many times over.

Hope all is going well for you in these tough times, and once again, thank you for writing this beautiful story.
chibichibigirl chapter 14 . 4/3
Ok so Shikamaru and Sasori the cat are BOTH the true MVP’s

Great action sequence, whenever I’ve tried to write one it always comes out disjointed or too wordy, but this really did make me feel like there was real suspense and danger! I love the trust Ino put into Deidara now that she’s learned her lesson about listening to him, and how I know he’d risk himself to keep her safe. Ouch my heart.

But it’s really interesting how this played out with the cousin, from suspicious character to just a dumb entitled jerk to even more suspicious stuff! Deidara and Ino are truly complimentary to each other, which is just so appealing to me, seeing their push and pull, back and forth, and when they sink up, magic happens!

I’m excited to see the plot move forward, but since there’s only one chapter left so far I kind of don’t want to read it cause I don’t want to be left on the edge by this amazing story XD

But I’ve literally stayed up all night and well into the morning so might as well finish it!
chibichibigirl chapter 13 . 4/3
To be honest I really was like...yeah a Deidara just shoot them, then you’re scott free bro! But alas I know things are never that easy.

Deidara’s utter desperate concern for Ino shows how much he lov-likes her. Sometimes when I read him saying that he can’t stand her cause she’s petty or entitled or frigid I think about how he told Ino that she owns some of his soul and I’m like, who are you trying to convince buddy?

You’ve singlehandedly had some of the best lines in the series in this chapter, the mental rant Ino gave you the clerk? A thing of beauty. Her muttering yeah walk away? Perfection. The three baguettes being soulmate level dick? Unmatched.

Overall Ino’s character development has been amazing to read, this experience has been so life changing for her, and has opened her eyes to so much! The flower, the thing that was partially responsible for saving her-apart from our lord and savor it Sasori the cat, AKA best boy-stuck between her cards with funds that others could only dream of, man that was powerful.

Her going to play the piano just to bring some happiness to that old man, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t tear up. I don’t know if it’s weird or not but I want her love for the piano to somehow tie into her mom. Just being all dramatic and stuff on my part.

Also Dei’s mom is too sweet for words.

And the tension in the bathroom ahhh I could have strangled that kid myself lol.

I’m also just gonna patiently wait for them to get a cat carrier and take Cat Sasori the F out of that place. Lol.

Now let’s go see how this car chase unfolds!
chibichibigirl chapter 12 . 4/3
Deidara whyyyy couldn’t you just be upfront with Ino? I don’t want their trust levels to go down noooo TTATT
Though I understand why he did it in reality, it was still a bad move though, Ino knows when she’s being played.

Also SASORI THE CAT IS THE HERO OF THIS CHAPTER! Please let him be ok :,( he definitely deserves that flea treatment and grooming now!

And the exchange between Deidara and Shikamaru was so unexpected, but brilliant! God I love my crazy arson boy so much.

And the end of the chapter? Let me tell you my heart is RACING! Ps. Deidara saying “my girl” even if it’s just for show makes my heart do flips. It’s now 7 am here, but on to the next chapter I go!
chibichibigirl chapter 11 . 4/3
More tragically beautiful connections in the dark. Though obviously Ino just isn’t ready to talk about her mom, which of course makes me that much more curious lol.

I hope she’ll find the strength to open up to Deidara, they’re good for each other, they can be a healing presence for each other if they allow it!

Also yes Deidara is totally in the right about reciprocity, whatever continues this bed-sharing-while-whispering-secrets-in-the-night thing they have going on.

Still got that trademark banter though, loved this chapter!
chibichibigirl chapter 10 . 4/3
Ahhhh I’m screaming I’m screaming I’m actually screaming! The palpable want between these two oh my goooood! Just kiss already! This is the bliss and curse of slow burn!

Also Deidara saying he doesn’t have someone close to him that’s been close to death, but I remember the Sasori comment about take care of my mom so hmmmm...

Also how’s the kitty doing? I want Ino to go take him for some flea treatments and upscale grooming! Cute!

Also Pantyhose kink for the win!
chibichibigirl chapter 9 . 4/3
Yes! Deidara! Let! Him! Have! It!
God that was satisfying. Honestly I expected him to do something sooner with how touchy he was being to Ino, so kudos for his restraint!

From his reactions this doesn’t seem like the guy who put out the hit, but man do I still want to see Deidara beat the crap out of him! Ugh how insufferable.

It’s cool how Deidara really is the opposite of everything Ino’s ever though she’s wanted (but is totally what she’s really needed) Poetic justice at its finest!

Excited to see where the search goes next! Especially since the clock is ticking for Deidara!
chibichibigirl chapter 8 . 4/3
Ino at the beginning of this chapter was me at the end of last chapter.

Also Ino is so devious, but in the best way possible. She could seduce us all to be honest. I love how they don’t even hold back on flirting with each other anymore, that’s my jam.

And Ino showing that vulnerability, sharing obviously painful stuff with Deidara like he did with her, ugh that got me hard. It also adds to her character. I feel like both of them are so fleshed out, it’s just beautiful to read. I can not wait for the final confrontation with Seigo haha! This is gonna be gooood!
chibichibigirl chapter 7 . 4/3
There has not been one chapter so far that has not made me laugh uncontrollably. It’s almost 4am here, My GF is gonna kill me lol.

I hope Pierre comes back in a later chapter, he’s just the best.

I also have a new favorite thing, and that’s Ino poetically describing the differences and similarities between their appearances. True art *chef’s kiss*

So excited to see this showdown with this ex of Ino’s! Let’s gooooo!
chibichibigirl chapter 6 . 4/3
I have a new weakness and it’s Ino and Deidara saying the same old petty mean stuff as usual, but doing the fluffiest most domestic things while saying it.

It’s nice to see the situation flipped with Ino in the driving seat-where she belongs! You are such a witty writer, and their banter just feels so natural that it makes the chapters flow so nicely!

Also Ino’s concession about her previous unfounded thoughts on people like Deidara and who they really are is such a beautiful moment of character growth. I’m really excited to see where this story takes her as a person, both in her relationship with Deidara as well as her as a person.
On to the next chapter, and as always I know it’ll be one that I love!
chibichibigirl chapter 5 . 4/3
This chapter was so beautiful, I don’t know how to properly describe it. I felt like I went on a journey from humor, to romance, and drama.
It all makes sense now, about the gloves, the paintings, even something as easily missed as Deidara not wanting to write the ransom note. I don’t think I’ve ever read anyone giving such a deep, meaningful and perfect replacement for the mouths on his hands.

When Ino was talking about how she realized all that he’d lost I teared up too, still am honestly. The last third of the chapter flowed like poetry. I loved your depiction of this scene, and how meaningful it was for both of them in relation to how they connect with each other. I don’t want to sound gushy, but I just haven’t been as in love with this couple since I read caught you on the flip side by firefly. Which is amazing because this is such a different interpretation on them! Amazing, breathtaking work!
chibichibigirl chapter 4 . 4/3
Yes yes yes, the begrudging allies trope! This is the content I’ve been waiting for. Now it’s only a matter of time before they fall in lo-

Anyways! I loved Ino’s reactions to the bar, and Deidara’s reaction to Ino’s Tramp up hehe. Also it’s official the someone on the Thor Ragnarock team read your fic and repurposed your club name to the devils anus for the movie. It’s canon now. Kakuzu is scary AF as usual, but man did my heart do some flips when Deidara leaned his shoulder on Ino. Just, ah, I’m so in love with them both already!

I’m so interested to know what Deidara meant by he almost lost it all, the suspense!

Also at least there’s no rat in the elevator this time? Small silver linings. To the next chapter I go!
chibichibigirl chapter 3 . 4/3
First of all, Deidara is a dang hard sleeper. But that makes sense with all the screaming he constantly has to hear.
Second of all, OMG that was a twist I did NOT see coming! Someone putting a hit out on Inoichi? And Ino would have had no idea if Deidara hadn’t kidnapped her! So...lucky her?

I love how Ino really feels like a full fledged character with depth. Like, yeah she’s a super arrogant, sassy lawyer, but she also loves her dad, and the minute that his safety is in question her pride can be shoved aside. I thought that was such a nice moment.

And once again I had a bought of uncontrollable laughter from the blow you comment between Ino and Deidara. It’s like 1 am here, my neighbors must love me XD

Gonna go read the next chapter right now!
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