Reviews for The Wooing of Lydia Deetz
Inspirationbynight chapter 8 . 4/25
This was a great read. The ending started out with what I feared was a Twilight style of rushing through things to get to the end but I thank you that you did go through Lydia's emotions after she and BJ separated. I appreciate that it was done with a light hand so that when they got together, it wasn't an abrupt jump from depressed episode to ecstatic reunion but rather a waiting period. The epilogue? *chef's kiss* Thanks for sharing this!
Inspirationbynight chapter 4 . 4/25
I had a friend in college who took a sociology class and in one of those, her class got to pick between chocolate crickets or "cheeto" crickets. I know countries around consider certain insects and reptiles normal fair but it's still weird to me, and totally expected of BJ. The cemetery bit was so Mary Shelley, I'm a little surprised that hardly any authors (who's works I've read) never add that to the fics. This would have been the perfect place for some bit of literary/biographical tidbit to compare to but that's probably just me. Anyway, I like the pacing and I'm pretty sure Lydia's almost out of time, but this has been an enjoyable read of Beetlejuice's character transformation? or deconstruction? or just a look at the man behind the curtain.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/8
I’m feeling things I shouldn’t be feeling
Desidemon chapter 8 . 12/8/2019
I love it I'm in tears!
Lofn chapter 4 . 11/15/2019
I thoroughly enjoyed your story and was quickly sucked into reading the entire thing. The only thing I missed was BJ's point of view, as I am very turned on by him and would like to know about what he is experiencing physically. I know it's balance(! I liked what you provided in this chapter (I haven't read any of your others). I want more Beetle juice! It's just that BJ is the most interesting character to me, and I'd like to know what goes on in his mind as well as what he experiences physically.
HolmesHarleyWatson chapter 8 . 10/28/2019
Okay, I just love this story! Today is my birthday and I hate my birthday, but this story just made it suck a lot less, so thank you!
Guest chapter 5 . 10/8/2019
Chapter 5 was incredibly well written! Thank you for adding to the awesomeness of this pairings community.
Sam chapter 8 . 9/29/2019
God this was an amazing story! Thank you for writing it!
crazy and random child chapter 8 . 7/19/2019
Hi! I just thought I would pop in and say how much I liked this story. I’m really, really new to Beetlejuice in general, and just got interested through the musical. I know the basics but not much else. I just thought this was a cute and fun story to follow along with! Thank you for writing it!

Keep up the great writing!
The Tea Party Witch chapter 8 . 7/18/2019
adored every moment 8f this fucking MASTERPIECE!
Guest chapter 8 . 7/12/2019
I frickin loved the build up to the sex. Most fan fictions are a little bitty story then BOOM sex! I really loved the storyline and staying true to the original source material with great details. The build up to the relationship was absolutely amazing. If you wrote a novel. It would be a best seller. I can’t express how much I loved this. One question though. What happened to Isaac in the end? I honestly just really liked this. I love chapter fanfictions. Your building up if their relationship was detailed and very creative. Can we watch beetle juice the musical or the movie together. You seem like a fun person to talk to (not flirting or asking for a date). Just. I want a friend who has your creative mindset. Okay enough of my blabbering. :)
Whatdetea chapter 8 . 7/10/2019
Omg I love this the end of this story had me in tears great story you did a really good gob on it
SilenceintheGraveyard chapter 8 . 4/10/2019
I loved every second of this story, I couldn't stop reading it (it's 3am as I type this)! It was a perfect mix of romantic and...what's the right word? Beetlejuice-y? Yeah, we'll go with that. I loved the relationship between Beetlejuice and Lydia, how they bond over their love of all things dark and odd, and how they well they understand each other. Just thinking about the Ghost with the Most finding little gifts to give Lydia and cleaning up before their "dates" makes me giggle. And the epilogue is perfect, it almost made me cry!
BeckstarSuperstar chapter 5 . 2/20/2019
The effort is beyond appreciated, this whole fic is excellent and you can tell the work you've put into it, I'm not so good at reviewing, but thank you so much for writing this.
DragonTamer01 chapter 1 . 2/8/2018
Love Lydia and Beetlejuice stories!
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