Reviews for Dog Days are Over
Dawn248 chapter 1 . 9/29/2019
Whew! You definitely know how to write a scolding. It felt like I was in the same room.
MaidenMoonshine chapter 1 . 9/23/2019
Oh, dear! They are in so much trouble!

I did like this in that Gibbs was protecting Tim. Too often Abby gets away with her brattiness, and that was one episode that was befuddling in its complete lack of consequences for her actions!
caseylf123 chapter 1 . 1/28/2018
Great job!
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 1 . 6/10/2017
I logged in specifically so I could leave a review. I am binge-reading your stories, and loving them, by the way. I really wish you would write another chapter for this one. Partly because Abby is almost always given a lighter 'sentence' than the guys or Ziva even. But also to see the making-up between Tim and the two miscreants.

I thank you so much for this story! The behavior of those pissed me off when I first saw this episode and still does every time I see it. I like the way you had Gibbs deal with it.

I am eager to continue reading, and I will behaving reviews now that I've logged in again.

Hugs, Che'
carlea chapter 1 . 5/17/2017
you should have continued this.
Ladyaloysius chapter 1 . 5/9/2017
I think that they deserved it too! Good job! I sure would not want to be them!
madnessdownunder2 chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
I wish! Bur Gibbs would never punish Abby and that's part of her problem!
phoenixhp5 chapter 1 . 1/19/2017
Awesome little one shot! I hated the way in which Tim was treated in this episode. He gets injured and all his friends can do is berate and tease him! I wish Gibbs had torn them apart!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
How do you write like this? I have tried over and over again to write my own NCIS fiction in the disciplinary style and it never turns out like yours and I just give up in frustration. I've been trying for a long, long time and now I'm coming to the conclusion that writing as people like you do is a talent that you either have or you don't. For what its worth, I'm super glad you have that talent. I shamelessly gobble up all your stories whilst being too lazy to review and also not really knowing what to say. rock. Its as simple as that. The last writer that I would class in this area as being as good as you was Sasha1600! I really miss his/her stories so when I found yours I was absolutely thrilled. This was great. I love that Abby really got it and like another reviewer said, I loved that we got to see Gibbs furious instead of calm. His wit is just burning! I cringed, whimpered and laughed all at once when Gibbs was laying into them! That line about the little birdie had me giggling. Quick request, with sprinkles on top, would you ever consider writing an early Gibbs/Mike story? In the disciplinary style? I think both I and many of your eager readers would really appreciate it!
Sylvia chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
I love the story. I just wish someone would call Gibbs on the fact that he made McGee drive his car with the dog in the back to headquarters.
BCgurlie chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
Loved this! I think Tony and Abby were more than cruel during that episode and it's nice to see them getting disciplined for it!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
Wow wow wow. That was one hell of a dressing down from Gibbs. I really enjoyed reading this, it was a pleasant change to read his initial lecture where he is positively furious when we are mostly used to reading his more 'calm' lecture right before the actual punishment. Your way with words is outstanding. I don't know how they were both standing after Gibbs said he was going to absolutely tear into the both of them. They sure as hell earned it though.

Abby was very annoying in this episode and I too hated how she manipulated Tim to take the dog home. Pretty sure she went out in the field alone with him too!

We are lucky to have such a talented writer in the NCIS fandom.
raspberry dreams chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
Loved it
That's exactly how Gibbs should have reacted,
DS2010 chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
Loved both of getting an earful and soon to be sore bottoms from Gibbs. I think Abby more so than Tony but Tony is right up there. I wonder why Ziva wasn't in there as I recall she laughed as well when Tony played the dog music and videos and did nothing to curb Tony, or did she rat out at least
Tony. Gibbs was already pissed at Abby.
dinozzolover29 chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
I'm at work and people are looking at me crazy because I can't stop laughing. Omg, the line "If one pissed off Leroy Jethro Gibbs tells you that you're the sole cause of global warming, then you get your ass out there and apologise to the first polar bear you meet." I couldn't stop laughing. Your way with words, the way you paint a scene defies logic. I have no idea where you get your inspiration for your wonderful stories, but I love and appreciate them.
I am so grateful that you share them here and I am so happy that you portray each character fairly, flaws all. I absolutely hated the way that Tony was treated in Dead Air and I also thought that Tony was an ass to Tim in Dog Tags, I like how you handled both scenarios. Once again thanks for sharing your talent.
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