Reviews for You'd Better Not Go Down To The Woods Today
renaid chapter 1 . 9/13/2018
Love it! Completely insane but so much fun!
EagleJarl chapter 1 . 12/9/2014
I'm confused. It sounds like Susan's power was illusions, putting images into people's heads - that's why, when she got knocked out, everyone was back in their regular clothes. Yet, Lex really hurt his knuckles...was everything actually real, and then it disappeared when she was knocked out? If so, why was Clark suddenly dressed again?
shallowness chapter 1 . 9/16/2011
This wasn't quite where I expected the sequel to go, but it was a fun ride, especially Pete's accepting that he was crazy and the banter. Plus I really like the developing Chloe-Lex relationship.
Kit Merlot chapter 1 . 11/28/2009
This was a damn amusing story-excellent work :):)
Pheonix Eternia chapter 1 . 5/30/2009
Reading this, I laughed so hard I choked. Several times. I *love* the way you write, especially your Lex and Chloe.
blackheart4life chapter 1 . 8/3/2008

Aww poor Pete isn't comfortable with the Chlex relationship. I must agree with Clark, I encourage it too *grin*. AWW I found it really cute that Lex makes time for Chloe, even if it was on Clark's advice, and that Lex gave Gabe special privilages. Honestly, I'm in love here. Pete needing to handle his isses leads them to the next big case! A dinasour...woah. Waddup with that? ""This is your fault. I saw a dinosaur and instead of running away like a sane person, I'm just stopping to get a photographer before going back to find it. I blame you for this. You infected me with your journalistic-fervour germs." These lines were hilarious! Oh man I was cracking up when Chloe called Lex and she's stalling on his question...and the whole thing is just friggin' hilarious! Poor Pete, the dinasour is gone and I find it very amusing the way Lex goes to Clark so disheveled. "Clark, we're going out hunting a dinosaur. I grabbed every useful weapon I could find. Tranquilliser gun, hunting rifle, and you." *ROTFL* xD OMG! Pete is a Lost Boy and Chloe is Tinkerbell? That is so funny! Though I admit I bet Chloe looks cute! AWW Poor Lex is so grumpy but I love that he has a tranquilizer gun, it makes me laugh harder. Indiana Jones...xD your killing me here. Tarzan? OMG! I do believe Chloe needs a fan now. Oh not a lost boy? "Chloe expressed her freedom of movement by applying a pom-pom slipper to his rear as he scrambled to his feet." Another hilarious line that had me cracking up. LOVE that it was Lex Chloe listented to. But of course, he was the voice of reason! GO CHLOE! And sweet she figured out who the FOTW was! This was wonderful! I loved that in the end Chloe and Lex met up again, like in your last story. I just missed that there was no kiss *pouts*
pulmicort7 chapter 1 . 2/26/2008
A sequel, you are a god! And damn funny too! Oh man, I did not think you could pull of Tinkerbell, Tarzan, Indiana Jones, Pirate Dude, mushrooms, dinosaurs, etc and have it not be a completely ridiculous story. You proved me wrong. Go you and thanx for the uncontrollable bouts of laughter, it was much enjoyed!
khushiyan chapter 1 . 3/20/2007
Dude, this was mad. I love it! "You infected me with your journalistic-fervour germs." Yay, journalistic-fervour germs! I want some!

duj chapter 1 . 8/27/2005
Lovely characterisations. Sigh, why does Lex have to end up as one of the baddies in Supermanworld?
Fanficcionista chapter 1 . 8/23/2005
Oh my God!

A dinosaur, Pete being jealous and a subtle Clark? What's not to love? Not to mention Tinkerbell and Idiana Jones.

Yeah, I'm definitely in love.
xauthentic chapter 1 . 6/25/2004
Another awesome fic. Loved it! At first I thought Pete made the dinosaur up to get closer to Chloe. I love how you write Lex and I also love all the banter between Lex and Chloe.
deichtine chapter 1 . 5/27/2004
This story and its prequel are just delightful! I loved them. I was grinning the whole time, at times laughing aloud. You managed to keep every character totally in character while writing geninely witty humor. Good job!
hlmilk chapter 1 . 4/26/2004
This review might be abit (okay, alot) late but I simply have to review this. I enjoyed myself and I couldnt help grinning when I was reading the story. It was fun, cute and great! And you stayed real to the characters in those weird fantasy storyline. Awesome! A good story and writer. I hope you can keep on writing other stories. ;)
Czech Angel chapter 1 . 7/22/2003

*Tears streaming down face from laughing so hard*

Beautiful 'N Bruised chapter 1 . 4/17/2003
Wow! Am I glad I stumled upon this today! It's a real masterpiece, right from the amazingly cute plot, to the characterisations, to your writing style, to the fact that you managed to incorporate a bit of chlark, chlex and chlete, wow. What wouldn't I give to see this on screen. I was laughing at loud (and thinking, I've had too much coffee!) the whole way through.

I hope you've written lots more fics like this and/or are planning to write lots.

read you soon!


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