Reviews for Orcs and Humans
Consort chapter 17 . 5/13/2019
One down.

... Old Warcraft was brutal. Or at the very least, Aiden is a great example of just how easy it is to fall into fanaticism.
VeryPeeved chapter 17 . 5/5/2019
eh, i'd say most of what he's doing is justified. he's just being a dick about it. who cares if some people who were already going to die are tortured if it means less death in the long run. fuck honorable combat, there are lives at stake!
VeryPeeved chapter 13 . 5/5/2019
Orgrim: *gets a bunch of his people killed*
Orgrim: "why would the humans do this?"
The Jingo chapter 17 . 11/21/2018
Amazing fic. I also really like your Gul'dan. He's hilarious.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/27/2018
I cheer for Aiden. He is entirely justified in doing orkish genocide. They are not only doing genocide of humans, but also of any other race and at the very time serve demons. I think they are worse then undead at this point. And there are no civilians in war like this, every orc is responsible.
Children who are too young to participate in Legions' war effort are kinda blameless so they would be better put into slavery and used against other orcs but whatevs, humans are not yet in position of power, their fight for survival and survival of all Azeroth is important and killing children is hardly the worst thing. Orcs are much worse, they sacrifice their people souls' to demons for their rituals, killing an orc child before that happens is a mercy.
The only bad thing would be if Aiden took too much joy out of it, became a true sadist, that would be a very bad thing indeed, because that way he would not stop inflicting suffering even after all ofcs are dead.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/25/2018
I've read 8 chapters and enjoyed it immensely.
Uther explaining it to Garona why there is evil in the world was brilliant. Very simple explanation and something that I consider true as well _
Got a question - why did the warparty not gone to kill Gul'dan? I suppose Uther And garona might've been not telling them about Gul'dan being there, but Lothar and his party should've told them.
Which Brew chapter 17 . 8/22/2018
This makes the new chapter in retreat make a bit more sense. It's interesting seeing this from the human perspective, though as Aiden says is this any different to what they've been doing?
Rufael chapter 16 . 8/18/2018
Crap. How long till u update again? :)) i feel bad for Medivh. Still...was he possessed in canon too? If did NOT see that one coming. And also...who possessed him. How can the Lich King ever hope to top him lol. Even if he would have won the war, and all life made into undeath...the Legion would have returned. And he would have had no chance against it's Higher Demons, like Archimonde and Kil'Jaden. Let alone...Him! Splendidly written. And to wait :(
Rufael chapter 15 . 8/17/2018
Love the humor. money was on Tychondrius. If HE isn't the culprit...that only leaves The Lich King. But isn't it a bit too early for him to start his campaign? I mean...the plague was reported when Arthas was already 18-19 or so. He is just a kid now. Also...i thought Medivh was killed by humans when they discovered he was the one that lead the orcs into Azeroth(no idea why he did that though. Must have been a 'whoops wrong scroll. Silly me' kinda thing).
Rufael chapter 14 . 8/17/2018
Oh i am in heaven. Love the combat scenes. Love tge twists. And...that is NOT the demon i was looking for. Tychondrius? Really? Oh crap. He is a schemer like no other. Anyway...Aiden is holding strong and Sylvanas did not want to be apart from him. How sweet.
Rufael chapter 13 . 8/17/2018
This was sweet. So many orcs dead... i think i know who they want to summon. Once that thing is here, it will level the capital. Or smth like that, right? Also...i think Lordaeron sends troops in the end and saves Stormwind. Super cool. Can't wait. And maan...when he said " i was the orcs to fear my name" gave me the chills
Rufael chapter 12 . 8/17/2018
Wow. What a fight. What a crushing victory for Aiden. Orgrimm had it coming. And the comparison between the romans and the gauls was just what i had in mind. But here, the humans used also guerilla warfare. Smth the romans saw as cowardly. Nicely done. The orcs were decimated. I wonder now how a real disciplined orc charge will look like. But as i've read...and also saw in the game, Grom is just as careless. He attacks head-on with just brute strength and savagery. Nothing more. And lost every time vs humans.
Rufael chapter 11 . 8/17/2018
So many kingdoms i have no idea many kings i know nothing of...but Terenas is a wise one. Not dismissing them immediately but rather welcoming them and allowing for more possibilities to be exploited. Wise indeed. And Arthas as a kid was rather cute. Does the movie fit into any of these scenarios? Or does it have no connection to the lore other than orcs vs humans?
Rufael chapter 9 . 8/16/2018
I really enjoy the interactions between Aiden and Sylvanas. He likes her a bit :)). She keeps his fire burning. Blackhand...idk anything of the warchief. If he is the villain...then that moment with his children is a complete flip. 180degrees. He does what he does for the future of his people. Not because he is told to. Or that's what i get. Aiden and the king. least he admitted he was wrong. He admitted feeling shame. At least there is that. But it proved the visions were real. And yet he said that non of it mattered. How cold. Wow
Rufael chapter 8 . 8/16/2018
Is this how Uther got the 'Lightbringer' name? Is it canon? Anyway...awesome. Also how things turned out. Also how Aiden said they should look for Garona...but most interesting was when Uther saw Arthas. Too bad he will not remember this when the time comes :(. But this vision was splendid. And he said he was afraid. He never said that before. He was afraid of that knight dressed in black armor. I like how this came together. Really good job
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