Reviews for Life's Grace
justawritier chapter 26 . 2/11/2009
great story. really cute!
Kayleigh chapter 27 . 2/14/2007
Can u please write some more pages of piper and leo so i can read them thank u very much.
Kayleigh Rai chapter 27 . 7/10/2006
Can u write some more of piper and leo fanfiction so i can read them thank u very much.

I am a fan of piper and leo fanfictions.

Thank u very much.

Can u also do some more chapters of piper and leo
Kayleigh chapter 1 . 7/9/2006
Can u please write some more of piper and leo fanfictions so i can read them thank u very much.

Because i enjoy reading them.
Prue X chapter 2 . 9/11/2005
I love this story!
Sanjix chapter 27 . 12/1/2004
Ok, great story! suggestions for improvement? get a beta reader, beta readers are a GOOD thing, and everyone should have one! :D

it was a little confusing, because you didn't do a new paragraph everytime someone talked, but i got it! again, beta readerGOOD THING
EternalConfusion chapter 27 . 5/29/2004
Aw...what a great fic! I loved it all...glad it all worked out in the end! Just wondering...when are you going to update unwell?
samiam004 chapter 26 . 4/13/2004
the perfect fan fiction...ü
PenguinsGoMoo chapter 27 . 3/18/2004
Of course I end up missing out on the last chapters of your story. :P Well anyway, it couldn't have ended better. I loved your story and CANNOT wait till I start reading Unwell... which is going to be in 2 seconds... lol
~AmandaMicel :Þ
And thanks for listing me at the end... makes me feel all special and all... ;)
piperloverleo chapter 27 . 1/23/2004
update soon
Chub chapter 27 . 12/27/2003
I can't believe i missed the last few chapters when they came out, but i've read them now and they were relly really good. you should do a sequal i reckon. anyway i'll look forward to Unwell and thanks for writing this amazing dtory. i loved all of it!
Tzarista chapter 26 . 12/26/2003
i love it :)
is there a sequel to this?
piperloverleo chapter 26 . 12/21/2003
when will you update write today
CharmedMummy chapter 27 . 12/17/2003
What a wonderful ending to a wonderful story! I really liked seeing how they were doing a year later with everyone pregnant. :) I thought you brought it to a good close, but like I am guessing others have said, I wouldn't mind a sequel. :) Thanks for mentioning me in your footnotes, and I look foward to your next story (especially since it seems to be centered around Leo who I think is a great character in the show that I think is often ignored or misused). The only thing is that the premise of Piper being missing and presumed dead for two years makes me think of Alias, but I'm sure you're doing something totally different. Anyway, good ending and I look foward to reading your future works.
A. Windsor chapter 27 . 12/16/2003
awesomely awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome
to the infinty power...
i loved this story! Great job!
A. Windsor
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