Reviews for Stay With Me
shipmaster98 chapter 2 . 6/20
Jeez I love love love this story so much! Can't help weeping like a baby while Jace glancing at Clary in pub
Guest chapter 20 . 4/20
I love this story so much! Please please please can you do a sequel!
Page1of365 chapter 20 . 3/29
Just re-read this story. Forgot how much I loved it! Your writing is always so good!
Serennos chapter 20 . 1/20
Loved it. Thanks again.
anayazepolia chapter 20 . 9/3/2019
I can't believe toy made me think that Jace was trying to get to Clary because of Trix having BLOODY KITTENS!
Guest chapter 20 . 4/13/2019
Oh...the cat gave birth...I thought...oh well! I love this story so much. The way you progressed through Clary and Jace's relationship was flawless.
tealolives chapter 20 . 2/3/2019
Love! So glad you decided to do an epilogue, and welcome back from ur break!
oesteffel chapter 20 . 2/2/2019
Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! Begging really works on my husband also. ;). And guilt... This really tied this story all up for me, but I have to admit, I thought Clary was having the baby. :p. This is the happily ever after that I wanted. Thank you so much. But now I will have to read this story over again. That’s how much I love this story. It’s weird having to let go of a story that I like so much...its bittersweet because while I’m happy that the story ended, I’m also sad because no more updates to look forward to. :(.
Bella-Athena04 chapter 20 . 2/2/2019
OMG! Absolutely love this story! Please update the next chapter soon.
elenaroseivashkov chapter 20 . 2/2/2019
I didn’t know I needed this ! Seriously this is one of your best fanfics
CoffeeandLiterature chapter 20 . 2/1/2019
Bwahahaha! I saw what you did there. ;-)

I totally love that Jace left work in the middle of the day because his cat was giving birth.

I really enjoyed that epilogue. I really wasn't ready for this story to end.
AFourAddict chapter 20 . 2/1/2019
Oh my gosh! That was so cute!
Stelle's Pen chapter 20 . 2/1/2019
What a perfect ending to this story, thank you for sharing your thoughts.
BookWorm2135 chapter 20 . 1/31/2019
Loved it! ️
Cute chapter 20 . 1/31/2019
Enjoyed the epilogue. It was great. I was wondering when you are going to continue your other stories like the werewolf stories, the mutant story and the other few stories?
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