Reviews for The Delivery Service
JustAFemaleGeek chapter 22 . 6/25
Wow. Yuffie :(
This was a big old sad rollercoaster.
At least Tifa and Cloud finally stopped beating around the bush.
M.Owen LFC chapter 22 . 3/31
Yuffie's death was crushing! It was an enjoyable ride to your story, definitely s hidden gem! Thanks for this, I loved every word of it.
25BAM50 chapter 22 . 3/30
Loved this story and the ending! Cloud and Tifa being happy ending
Caramel Van Gogh chapter 19 . 3/28
That tender moment with Cloti is just— it’s so good. And I’m still at the edge on what will happen. YUFFIE IS ALIVE I KNOW SHE IS :(( GOSH THAT PERSON WHO SET CLOUD UP NEEDS TO BE CAUGHT AAAA REEVE WHAT’RE YOU HIDING.
25BAM50 chapter 19 . 3/28
They kissed twice! I just hope they can figure a way out for Cloud
M.Owen LFC chapter 18 . 3/26
Thanks for the string of updates. I will always support this story and the direction you're taking it! It's a joy seeing you run this story, and the mysteries and intrigue just keeps me hooked! Can't wait for the next chapter.
Caramel Van Gogh chapter 18 . 3/23
Oh gosh, I feel so touched that everyone is helping Cloud and that scene but with Reno was heartwarming. Poor Tifa, she needed to fill that service aaa. I hope everything will go okay soon. They didn’t deserve this. My babies! Let them be happy PLS :((
25BAM50 chapter 18 . 3/23
Glad everyone helping Cloud!
Caramel Van Gogh chapter 16 . 3/20
I binged read this and I’m so happy I found this fic. It’s very well written and it keeps me on my toes! I love the plot and the story and most of all THE CLOTI SLOW BURN AKDJAKDJAOD THESE FOOLS REALLY NEED TO JUST AAAAA LOVE EACH OTHER PLS BE TOGETHER. I love them and your portrayal of them. I hope they find Yuffie soonThe mystery intensifies aaaa! Can’t wait for the next update!
25BAM50 chapter 16 . 3/19
Poor Cloud!
25BAM50 chapter 15 . 3/12
These two wanting each other to be happy, why not be happy together?
Tminor chapter 12 . 12/22/2019
Whew! Found this story just now and read through all of it! Cloud Strife, you magnificent dumbass. Can’t blame him though I’m also so in love with tifa 3

great work. hope to see more!
M.Owen LFC chapter 12 . 5/14/2019
This is possibly my most favourite post-Advent Children and post-DoC fanfic. The characterization is amazing, and I personally love the way you portrayed the characters. Cloud isn't a brooding or edgy emo, but a confident, slightly cocky and definitely true to what his character is like. The rest of the cast follows suit, and the slow brew between Tifa and Cloud gives a sense of realism in their relationship. You've had me hooked with the Yuffie mystery, and I hope you keep this up! This is a brilliant idea and my grievances go to you and your writer's block. I pray you don't suffer from it, because this fic is really amazing! Please continue it!
Alcantis chapter 12 . 1/4/2019
Heeeyyy! This is good! Sorry to hear about what you’ve been going through but I just wanna let you know that I almost dropped my phone when I saw a notification that this got an update! It didn’t disappoint! Cloud here was a surprise and I think I can be extra patient with him while you are building their relationship. He needs more push and maybe more things to be jealous about? Jealous Cloud is a cute and a bolder one :) Also, what is Shinra up to this time?
CupofTeaforAliceandHatter chapter 12 . 1/4/2019
I am definitely delighted to see this story updated. Great job on a well done chapter. I really liked it.
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