Reviews for fools fall
TheOGFTfanatic chapter 1 . 2/5/2017
I really hate Ezra right now. It's not because you portrayed her as a cruel person, even though she was somewhat cruel in the end, but just because she WAS a coward. That's the thing. And she didn't care what happened to Lucy (although, this may be a bit overthinking things, since we don't particularly know her story). She didn't resolve things with her, and she fucking finished her, instead of stopping and maybe talking about it. But no. She abandoned her like a coward. This story really hit me freaking hard, and that scene with Harry and Hermionie, OH MY GOD WHYYYY. I shipped them so hard in the movies, not really in the books, but the movies oh my god it was like yes yes YES. But it still hurts thinking about that now, and now this and I'm just achING. I really liked this overall! It was beautifully tragic!
Yuri-esque chapter 1 . 2/2/2017
Sad, but I really liked it. I hope you write more for this pairing.
wordslinger chapter 1 . 2/2/2017
I loved this so much. I feel like this is such a real scenario for anyone who is trying to love a person who's still in love with someone else. Lucy laid it all out and Erza couldn't handle it. Man. Right in the heart.
FreyjaBee chapter 1 . 2/1/2017
I told myself I'd finish my resume before I read this. Then I thought, it's short. It won't take up much time. It's one of those that linger, though. I'll be thinking of this dragging myself through the lifelessness that is resume building for the government. It's beautiful. Hits heavy, I like it. It's one of the better ones of yours that I've read. I do enjoy when you write like this.
That scene in Harry Potter, in the book and in the movies, I was hoping Ron would just disappear. I shipped Harry and Hermione forEVER and I was like 'yes, this is FINALLY happening'. Fuck Ron. And then...
And then...
And then I was rooting for goddamn Ron like two chapters later. It was a tragic turn of events for my fickle heart. I like how you used the scene here. It's a good comparison. Rock on, keep being fantastic.