Reviews for Of Wasps and Wizards
Albino87 chapter 39 . 7/14
Interesting story

Something tells me that Gladly is not the only person from Taylor's past that will show up here in school.

Keep the chapters coming
jon reeve chapter 14 . 5/23
/So, my last review got cut off, cause I accidenetally pressed the post button. The PHO post formatting made me search and see if this is in spacebattles, and it is, so I'll finish reading it over there.
jon reeve chapter 10 . 5/23
/I'm not really clear on the Snaptrap part. It lloks like he messed up on capturing one of the wolves, but it's not clear what he lied about. Did he lie about how his powers work? Because if Revel was talking about him saying he captured one, when it looked like he had, as lieing, it just makers her look like a bitch for an honest mistake.

/So Revel pulls off the mothering demanding schtick better than Piggt? I'd have to agree with the other reviewer that that's bs, but I was already pretty prepared for a Skitter joins the Wards story.

/This Skitter is... stupider than in canon, and that's saying something. I was liking the story for the Jim Butcher parts, but the Worm parts leaves a bit to be desired.

/I'll keep reading to see how it goes, but how fast Taylor is folding to this "authority figure" breaks sudpension of disbrlief. I can see some of the justification for it, but if you take her entire character traits and knowledge from the point if Leviathan
jon reeve chapter 6 . 5/23
/lol, she's almost literally a motor-mouth now. That's so cute.

/Whuh? Crying? Shut up, no one's crying! The screen just got blurry towards the end, there.
jon reeve chapter 5 . 5/23
/I knew immediately where this was going, and I'm a little annoyed that I love you for it.

/The line about online creeps starting a countdown is funny.
jon reeve chapter 1 . 5/23
/I hesitated to read this, but I think I may really like it. I need to re-read the books, now that I think about it. It was at a weird place the last time I caught up to the series.
Ziggrrauglurr chapter 39 . 5/18
First. I still love the Mistery in this story.
Second, if those "her" are intentional, them I LIKE what I'm thinking you are going for ... I hope is precisely that...
Bookeater-otaku chapter 39 . 5/17
New case look interesting. Lots of peoples to investigate it seems before finding who is who. I wonder if Harry got another case in the mean time.
Quathis chapter 39 . 5/16
I wonder how much Taylor would prefer the vampires to High School. Gladly would be a most unwelcome addition to her time there. Let's see how long it takes them to figure things out. Until next time.
xbox432 chapter 39 . 5/16
I'd have to constantly watch her back - There are MULTIPLE places in this chapter where Taylor switches from 1st person to 2nd person, i.e. from "I, me, my" to "she and her". This is more than a bit confusing and just plain bad grammar.

Also, I do have to say that I enjoyed the ending in all its bittersweet glory. They both made some mistakes, but they're at least trying to support each other as they go forward. It's nice to have friends.

And wasn't Aisha looking for Taylor? Considering the timeframe of when Aisha saw "Skitter" on tv and now you'd think that she would have made contact. Or is she doing a better poltergeist impression than Lisa and is currently shadowing them? I look forward to finding out!
Impstar chapter 39 . 5/16
I think you posted the wrong chapter. This is chapter 31.
Bookeater-otaku chapter 38 . 5/8
Finally caught up. All the recent chapters were quite the crescendo towards this climax. And now Myridin is no more, Harry P.I. is back.

Interesting times.
xbox432 chapter 38 . 5/6
Huh, I wasn't expecting the masquerade to fall apart... Just that the vampires would be labeled as a terrorist organization made up of capes who could pass on their power, a kind of bio-master. But for things to be totally out in the open? *whistles* There are going to be soooo many witch hunts. Not to mention all the idiots who are going to think that members of the supernatural are more Disney when in fact they're far closer to The Brother's Grimm.
Quathis chapter 38 . 5/6
Someone had to take the blame, though I am wondering how long until Cauldron comes a calming dor more information. Cause they don't strike me as the kind of people who let information or control slip away if they can absolutely help it. Harry may or may not regret the move back to PI. Until next time.
216430 chapter 37 . 5/4
Out the admittedly few Dresden files can fics i have read over the years i feel like this is very erik done in involving and incorporating both worlds very well and show the vastness of the Dresden world.
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