Reviews for Projectile
ushmie chapter 6 . 9/28/2019
Super interesting! First and foremost... I have to say that I really appreciate that you put Kagome in a real job (instead of something secretarial) and made her career and professionalism come before anything else. So many fics don’t bother with that and it just blows my mind... it’s 2019 already!

That being said, I’m SO excited for the romance to start ... it’s going to be amazing! I can’t wait! I don’t know how you’ll handle it but if the rest of this story is anything to go by, I’m sure it’ll be perfect.

I will eventually go back and review all the chapters but right now I’m riding that high from finding a great new fic so I just needed to leave this quick review letting you know!
KeiChanz chapter 6 . 3/16/2018

Ugh my friend I am hooked on this fic, I need mooore! And it's sorta inspiring me to work on a oneshot I have that was heavily inspired by the show NCIS lmao hmmmm... anyway can't wait for the next update dear! :D
KeiChanz chapter 5 . 3/16/2018
"By the end of the ride, Inuyasha had concluded that deep, deep down, he was absolutely fucked."


Yes. Yes you are, dogboy. LOVING THIIIIIIS.
KeiChanz chapter 4 . 3/16/2018
KeiChanz chapter 2 . 3/15/2018
In your face Kagome is best Kagome and nobody can tell me otherwise THIS IS GOLD AHAHA! PROGRESS IS BEING MADE AND I AM LIVINGGG
KeiChanz chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
Finally getting around to reading this! I freaking adore how sassy Kagome is haha! Yeah that's right girl, don't take no shit from dogboy! Loving this so farrrrr now onward to chapter 2!
Dreamer821 chapter 6 . 3/14/2018
So, I found your story in a post on Tumblr and I am so so so happy I did. Read the whole thing in like 30 minutes. It’s amazing! You really have a great style and you are keeping the characters true to their personalities and I adore you for that. The story you are building is so freaking interesting! I can’t believe no one else is talking about this story. They have no idea what they’re missing out on! Shame on them.
I’m normally not a huge fan of AUs but this my friend is simply freaking amazing and I’m hooked.
I’m sorry you are going through a rough patch but you will come out of all this stronger than ever.
I will happily be waiting for the next updates!
Stay happy ~
Wenchster chapter 6 . 1/2/2018
I do so hope you continue this story. It's my favourite of yours and I desperately wanted to read it all. I loved the development of InuYasha and Kagome's romance and hope you will finish it.

Take care of yourself.
Wenchster chapter 5 . 10/2/2017
This story just keeps getting better and better! You have completely blown my mind. I am going absolute apeshit over here. :)

You are killing it with InuYasha and Kagome. Best partner duo in the history of the world. And the tension between them, oooooooooh girl you slay me. This chapter made my stomach burst with butterflies because they are slowly coming together!

I freaking died when Jakotsu was hitting on poor InuYasha. And Kagome being jealous over it was icing on the cake.

I will be having many sleepless nights until your next update. And for my own sanity PLEASE never abandon this fic cause I desperately need its beautiful Inu/Kag ending!

This is your best fic ever. Hands down. I cannot even explain all the ways how much enjoyment I get reading this fic. I love all the Inu/Kag goodness that's sure to intensify. Please more of it. And again, please update soon. I'm crazy for Projectile. :)

Your cheerleader always.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/13/2017
Read all the chapters at once and fell deep in love with this story. Inu/Kag have such great chemistry and potential romance! Please keep writing more.
Wenchster chapter 4 . 6/13/2017
This is defiantly your best work yet! I freaking LOVE this story! It's like watching Bones, or some other crime show, in word format. It's beyond well written and completely addicting. I cry out in agony when I get to the end of the chapter, and the wait between instalments kills my slowly. I want to read on soooooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadly.

The development (the bubbling of unknown sexual tension) between InuYasha and Kagome is the f-ing best and the most addictive thing about this story. I'm a huge romance fan so if this story was all Crime then I would have might lost interest, however, I can sense it building up and can only pray to every deity that more is coming soon, and that the wait for it will be entirely worth it. I know how well you can write the fluff and passion between the OTP (since I read The Creed), so I'm just dying waiting for that to be brought into this story, because I love the OTP even MORE in here. Please say the romance for them is building up? I am so *desperate* for them to get together in this story, cause I think they're so damn perfect as 'partners-by-day-lovers-by-night'.

BTW, I'm terribly curious about Kagome's past. I'm tearing my hair out over here, trying to think of all the possibilities it could be. I want to know, and it's so hard being out of the loop.

I can hardly wait for more. I just love this story to bits and bits! Please, never abandon it.

Thankyou so much for the update. I hope you won't be leaving us for too long. I want to keep reading on every chapter, cause like I said, SO ADDICTING! :)

Excellent, excellent job! I love my Inu/Kag hot cop team!

P.S. I cannot wait for Rate M content! ;P
Wenchster chapter 3 . 4/2/2017
COMPLETEY WORTH THE WAIT! Though I'm so desperate and freaking starving for more!I know it's not possible right now, but gods do I want the romance to start. ...Like, right now. (::long sigh::) Guess I have to be patient. All I can say is never abandon this story. PLEASE! It's too good. I'm enjoying this thoroughly, and practically jump for joy when I see this in my inbox. I await for the next chapter with bated breath! :)
ChaosreigN chapter 3 . 3/30/2017
This is such a detailed piece, im looking forward to how the case progresses
Guest chapter 2 . 2/19/2017
This is so good! Please update again soon!
Wenchster chapter 2 . 2/19/2017
This story is already becoming one of my favourites. I think I even love it more than The Creed! I mean, two chapters in and I can tell InuYasha's and Kagome's relationship is going to be a really good read. A *really* good read. I can't wait to see it unfold! ...Which is why I'm baffled why more people aren't rushing in to review this story, because I know they're reading this, they're just lazy.

Thankyou SO MUCH for posting this chapter! I hope you don't leave us with this cliff-hanger for too long. Unfortunately, I get increasingly bad at being patient the more I love something. This story is going to be one of those cases. ;)
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