Reviews for The Edge of a Revolution
Guest chapter 6 . 3/22
love the story hope you update soon
mumphie chapter 6 . 2/18/2019
Well, it has been nearly two years. I suspect real life has endangered your muse! You are weaving a wonderful story. It is intriguing and interesting. I hope that you can come back to it. I'd like to see it run all the way through school with the kids!
mumphie chapter 5 . 2/18/2019
Your story is quite good and I am enjoying it.

Just a point...snakes aren't slimy. They are quite dry.
mumphie chapter 3 . 2/18/2019
So...why didn't Sev and Lucius ask if the Aurors looked through any papers/paperwork to see if there was anything suspicious with the Dursleys?
mumphie chapter 2 . 2/18/2019
Good beginning

word usage:
not unmentionable, but Unspeakable
mumphie chapter 1 . 2/18/2019
I hope that the made sure the Goblins put all the Potter artifacts and money into a vault for Harry/Demetrius!
Guest chapter 6 . 10/27/2018
Update soon please. One little thing is bugging me though. Harry’s and draco’s Speech is way to sophisticated at times for 2 year olds, and snakes are not slimy.
Thatzgirl1 chapter 4 . 3/9/2017
Fit snakes are not slimy the opposite in fact they are soft if their scales are properly maintained the only time they would be slimy is if they we're wet after soaking they like laying in water. I'm a former boa owner if you have questions about them.
thailand 2012 chapter 6 . 3/6/2017
Really enjoying this story nice to find a different angle. Thank you
daithi4377 chapter 6 . 3/4/2017
Lol I'm guessing the Amortentia made by Molly? Was at the behest of Sirius...James or most likely Dumbledore to fulfill the prophecy. Sirius because James wanted her...James because he wanted her and Dumbledore because again James wanted her so using Lily he could control both the Black and the Potter seats and wealth. Yeah it will eventually come out that Demetri is Harry simply because of the wealth of seats he will inherit with there being a few coming straight from Lily but I think by the time it does it's not going to matter because hopefully Dumbledore will be in St. Mangoes Insane ward lol. The fact that he still tried to take over the Cheif Warlock seat twice then tried to condemn a man just because of his name ..I'm surprised all he got was banished from the Wizengamot. Lets hope Aberforth has a good level of intelligence and still hates his brother so if he takes over the Dumbledore seat it will be put to good use!.
DiahKu chapter 5 . 2/27/2017
ooh, really like the harry -demitri- character here, he is cute
UnusualOutlet chapter 5 . 2/26/2017
I really think this story has potential, but you NEED to get on with it. Do a Time Skip or something to the Hogwarts Express, and then explain what happened in the 9 years in a single chapter. Seriously, this filler is unnecessary and I almost stopped reading it because of the filler. Not to mention, I don't care about 11 year olds talking normally, or even 6 year olds. But 2 year olds? Completely unrealistic, even in the magical world. Please keep this in consideration, although I'll probably just skip chapters till then or till they get a bit older.
PaviCalli chapter 5 . 2/26/2017
I'm really enjoying this story, I love to read stories that reverse the sides and see how the author makes them work. One small point, I don't know if you ever held a snake but they aren't slimy at all, instead they're smooth and sleek.
DiahKu chapter 4 . 2/20/2017
update soon please
Guest chapter 2 . 2/19/2017
I absolutely love this fanfic! The idea is so unique about having an evil Dumbledore and having Tom and Snape raise Harry! I can't wait to read more
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