Reviews for Once More
91Silver chapter 19 . 2/13/2019
Ending was a bit abrupt, could have used a bit more Zack POV in end of the world scenario. Would have given it more emotional weight then Vincent’s casual rage quite.

Over all though, rather good what-would-Zack-do story. I liked it.
91Silver chapter 12 . 2/12/2019
Zack dose not make for a good puppet dose he. Vincent keeps getting ignored haha.
Shinigami Merchant chapter 18 . 3/31/2018
I knew this was coming!
Shinigami Merchant chapter 7 . 3/28/2018
Cloud really needs to recover very soon or their better be a very good reason why he is not
Shinigami Merchant chapter 5 . 3/28/2018
I now have a vision of Zack trying to eat the nasty cooked Marlboro tenticle from Comrades *shudders*
Thanks for that
Shinigami Merchant chapter 3 . 3/28/2018
Yes I love this reunion, it so beautiful!
Shinigami Merchant chapter 2 . 3/28/2018
Poor Zack, Hojo deserves a painful death as always
Shinigami Merchant chapter 1 . 3/28/2018
First chapter and I'm already glad I stumbled across this fic
Snow Leopard Pasha chapter 19 . 6/15/2017
It's a pity that something which could have been a really good story ended up being perfectly pointless...In all honesty, the only parts of this which are actually 'the story' are the first chapter and the last chapter. Up until this point, I was enjoying the story, and having it end like this was seriously disappointing.

Regardless, you put a lot of work into this and your use of language is generally very good, so I would consider reading other works of yours which don't end up being pointless.
omasuoniwabanshi chapter 19 . 6/12/2017
It's over? already? Dang! I wanted more. Thank goodness there's a sequel on the way. I feel like the epilogue chapter probably explained a lot to someone more familiar with final fantasy. It seems that Aeris's fate was sealed in FF, and the story makes sense of why she had to die, but realizing that was quite a blow. It was interesting to hear Chaos's explanation to Vincent about Cloud and his bloodline and how it affected the people around him. I liked the echo at the end, it really tied the epilogue chapter in with the previous one, and added an element of eeriness. Nice job!
The lazy stalker chapter 19 . 6/12/2017
Reading this I feel a strange mix of disappointment and vindication.

On the one hand it went in a direction that I was not expecting nor really wanted (not that's it's a bad thing). On the other hand, it was apparent that Zack's paranoia was leading him down the path of ruin.

Well anyway, it was a good story and I can't wait for the sequel.
HibinoMirai chapter 19 . 6/12/2017
... Mind. Blown.

Okay, not really, but I didn't expect you to end it there.
I knew I didn't like those implications...

Thanks for this fantastic story!
CreatedInFyre7 chapter 19 . 6/12/2017
Not the ending I was expecting!
This was an awesome story.
HibinoMirai chapter 18 . 6/8/2017
You really hate me, don't you?
unfortunately, I did see this coming. I'm starting to get a grasp on your writing style and it really couldn't lead up to much else.

Didn't make it any less painful to read though...
But that is what makes this story GOOD.
In my opinion, this was your best chapter yet. It was really well written and I enjoyed it.

So once again, thanks for posting this story.
Now excuse me, I need to go and cry my eyes out while waiting for the next chapter.

omasuoniwabanshi chapter 18 . 6/7/2017
Sign me up for a beach vacation! Zack and Aeris time at the beach sounded lovely, until she turned on the waterworks. Her inability to explain why is ominous.
"Aeris, I hate to ask but...we're your people fish?" - the line was a welcome respite into humor. I loved the description of the shell houses. I could picture them quite easily.
I was surprised by Sephiroth's wing. And even more surprised and confused over who the puppet master is. It doesn't seem like Cloud could be such a jerk, but who could have the ability to manipulate him and make him look like someone else, and why bother to make him look like someone else? Looking forward to more information in the next chapter.
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