Reviews for D Sway the Waves of Time
creativesm75 chapter 8 . 9/14
neogoki chapter 8 . 9/11
your Vegapunk is a rather classic, realistic Scientist.
Which could fit canon, but knowing Oda I expect his Vegapunk to be New World-Levels of excentric.
neogoki chapter 7 . 9/11
I can see the headlines:
Whitebeard talking to Dragon
Top Tiers of the World Goverment lose collectivly control of their bowells
Mariegoise covered in fecal matter and evil stink
more details on pages 3-50
nessa11997 chapter 8 . 9/9
Mel72000 chapter 8 . 9/1
Thank you so much for this awesome chapter, I was crying of laughter with Shank and I was very interrested in the part with Vegapunkt. Nobody dares write about him because he is so mysterious: is he with the Marine, work with them because he was captured ? A double agent ? What is his real agenda ?
Thank you for daring !
Mel72000 chapter 1 . 9/1
Review for chapter 6 : In my opinion, Shanks and Baggy were in the Roger's crew since they were babies. Remember, when Gol D Roger had Momo in his hands, he tells that it was a long time since he had a baby on his ship. I believe that the two boys were adopted in the crew during the "accident of God Valley", when they were very young.
Thank for the story !
Monxu Aki chapter 8 . 8/31
Interesting after rereading chapters 3 and 7 one thing that I forgot to mention before is, will Whitebeard do a clash with Kaido? This is something possible, he killed Oden, but it will jeopardize the future to much, don’t know if it’s a clever move or wait till the war of the best ends (if it happens) to smack the Dragon Zoan across the New World…
With the chapter, now Benny knows so more intelligence and better planning will be done, and only that crew is capable of nearly kill themselves trying to listen to the conversation… if the others Sanko knew it will be pretty easy to get rid of Shanks dahaha!
Wow didn’t think that you will make Vegapunk important as of now, maybe with the project Pacifista and Kuma talking to him in Dragon’s place? Would he be a revolutionary in the time Kuma lost his humanity (if you make him loose it) and be him who gives Kuma the tasks that he has to do!? Interesting, and Ceasar also there! Hmm… wonder if Vegapunk will see how Ceasar gets his connections to the San-Yonkos and do something to keep the balance, balanced.
Good chapter! Can’t wait to read more and to see if Ray-san trains and/or meets the kids!
Maybe they will be the key to his research of the lineage? hmm interesting
Guest chapter 8 . 8/30
another great chapter.
But I thibk you made a minor mistake. Kizaru is just a title. And jugging by the fact that Akainu is using his real name as the fleet admiral, I think it is a title used only by the 3 admirals.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/30
Another great chapter to an interesting story.
I also have a question, will Miss Bakkin ever be mentioned?
(I mostly ask because the wiki says that she was a crewmember with Whitebeard abbot 40 years ago and that the Rocks Pirates sailed until their defeat 38 year before the current storyline.)
Johnny Spectre chapter 8 . 8/29
*throws bulk bag of fudge brownie M&Ms*

Honestly, Judge was inspired by that one king that joined the Blackbeard Pirates, he just ensured he wouldn't be usurped by family. That's why he went to Vegapunk.
InfinityMask chapter 8 . 8/29
There’s sanko problem too in this chapter.
I curious why the linage changed. Is it because Whitebeard? Nahh..

I curious what if Whitebeard capture Vegapunk and promised him to be able to research as he wish? That would be interesting isn’t it?
sousie chapter 8 . 8/29
Thank for the update
it was a really funny chapter
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 8 . 8/29
A very well done and entertaining chapter here. And of course I am smug that I know what Vegapunk found out and everyone else does not ;-P
scl04 chapter 8 . 8/29
This was a really amusing chapter at first and then it turned in quite the introspective one, so yeah really cool! ;D

The first half with the perspective of Benn Beckman and Yasopp as I said before was amusing to say the least, I mean first the issues presented seemed important and then they begin to get suspicious/worried for their captain because of the shortage in alcohol for example (for them is probably worse than the worst of catastrophes though, I do get that XD).

And then in the second half the perspective of Dr. Vegapunk is shown, to be honest I'm very curious about what kind of personallity and characteristics he'll have when he is actually shown in the manga/anime but you did a very great job with presenting him and is more or less as I imagined him being as well (though I do see him with more the personallity of a "genius" where he just does stuff without considering consequences necessarily, without being a "bad" person of course). I wonder how things with him will continue in your story as well, I doubt that he was introduced just as a cameo after all.

I'll be waiting for the next chapter now, I'm curious about what will happen next! Thanks for all your hard work as always! :3 (oh and it was nothing for the tvtropes page by the way, it was a pleasure ;D).
PandakaiLove chapter 8 . 8/29
Heyyyy this was a very different chapter from the rest, most of your earlier chapters were filled with quite a lot of dialogue with a fair amount of introspection in some parts, not bad at all but I must say that I found this chapter simply fascinating.

The whole premise of Shanks actually having a white den den mushi all this time and having to go sober for all this time for nothing is just peak comedy, I just laughed so much god. I'm also glad that you didn't write Shank's crew as these clueless buffoons that have no brains. Cause the fact of the matter is that Shank's crew managed to earn Yonko status with a fraction of members of the other yonko crews, which is nothing to scoff at mind you! This leads to me thanking you profusely for making Ben finally lose his patience and demand answers, cause while endless faith in your captain is nice and all, realistically the right hand man should know what's going on if you don't want a mutiny or some serious problems in your hands.

Now, when I started to read this fic I did not expect Vegapunk to be honest. So little's known of him that most authors balk at the mere prospect of even mentionaning him beyond passing. This is logical of course, but also amissed opportunity for inputting some logical and rational thinking to the bizarre world of one piece (which I as someone more inclined to the scientific side of things appreciate a lot). I just quite frnakly loved your interpretation of Vegapunk, analytical, smart and not a completely heartless human being. And the coffee thing as well, while I don't 'hate' the trope of 'only genius scientists don't sleep!', I must admit that it can start to grate on someone's nerves and put unrealistic pictures of scientists and the likes in people's mind.

But onto Vegapunk's actual speech. I just adored it to bits, the monologues about truth, knowledge and the fact that like almost everything in the world, nothing is completely black and white (well, except you know genocide, I think that's a pretty gruesome shade of black in my opinion). The part about there being some lies in truth I specially liked, I don't know if you share this viewpoint but I've always seen the truth as a concept that is simply beyond human beings, as 'a' truth may not be complete in our knowledge or may in a hundred years be proved to be as 'truthful' as the fact that putting leeches on wounds takes the infections away. Ok I know I'm ranting but basically what I'm saying is that I liked this part, and puts an interesting spin on the character and several complex concepts. Basically, yay science!

Now, as to what role Vegapunk will have in this story? I have no fucking clue dude, the incorporation of this character in this story came to me like a brick to the face in the middle of a wildlife expedition in the middle of antartica. aka unexpected. Though I'll still try to think of something, idk I think that Vegapunk will figure something's wrong, maybe not with Whitebeard specifically but with something surrounding his situation. Idk maybe there will be a point in the story where Vegapunk will have to choose between revealing a piece of truth to the marines or keeping it to himself, in that way aiding or hindering one side.

The point is, that I can't wait to see how you're going to continue this fic, Keep up the good work dude and stay safe!
P.S; you mentioned that you'd prefer if my reviews were spaced out more, is this better?
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