Reviews for What Mary Knew
caramelminx chapter 3 . 11/17/2019
I can definitely see Mary pro sherlolly and trying to get John to see it. Very enjoyable.
midnight dreams chapter 3 . 2/19/2019
That start of the speech ! :)
White Lady EF chapter 3 . 6/1/2018
I love every story of yours. I have read every sherlolly and I love the way you put them in different scenarios. I wish Mary were alive to see that pair being happy! She is like the N 1 fan of this ship.

Thank you a lot for this amazing job!
Virtuella chapter 3 . 5/9/2018
Ahhh. I'm not generally so convinced they would have a big wedding (or any wedding at all) but to have Sherlock's waifs and strays attending it is a lovely touch. :)
Virtuella chapter 2 . 5/9/2018
Oh, John, John, with your fixation on Irene Adler. Didn't he ever notice that Sherlock detests criminals? Loathes them from the bottom of his heart, especial the ones who are brilliant and use their brilliance for their own selfish gain - those who made a choice that he would never allow himself to make, due to his fundamentally moral nature? He might be aroused by Irene Adler, but he could never love her.
Virtuella chapter 1 . 5/9/2018
Yes, it's so true, they did look married at the Christening ceremony. I'd like to put forward the theory that they've been "mentally married" for quite some time, without either of them realising it. Nice story, looking forward to the rest.
Kathmak chapter 3 . 10/2/2017
I loved it. Mary is the biggest Sherlolly shipper around!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/25/2017
Positively brilliant. Thank you for sharing this with us!
deemura chapter 2 . 7/25/2017
oh jeez, John's just like the other male watcher of Sherlock
Saffysmom chapter 3 . 3/27/2017
I love the way you wrote Mary and John. You captured their personalities perfectly! I already miss Mary a lot, so I thank you for giving us this gem of a fic to help us remember what a great character she was. I like to think that she would ship Sherlolly!
amherendeen chapter 3 . 2/19/2017
Oh, this hit me right in the heart! Soooo good!
Kris chapter 3 . 2/11/2017
This was lovely. Short and sweet, and bittersweet at the end with Mary being gone. But I really enjoyed seeing the Watsons' perspective on Sherlolly.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/10/2017
Awww! That last speech is soooo sweet!
Gillian Cooke chapter 3 . 2/12/2017
Awww. That was a beautiful story
Guest chapter 3 . 2/10/2017
Love this!
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