Reviews for Remnant Inferis: DOOM
EmeraldAuthor95 chapter 9 . 7/24
Re-reading Chapter 9,
Glynda said that Atlas isn't that reckless.

Kingdom of Tyrants puts them on a level even LOWER than the UAC.

You were saying Glynda?
h chapter 29 . 7/23
don't make him lose the praetor suit, cmon...
Helluva Pawn chapter 29 . 7/22
Will BJ and Vega use the evidence they gathered from the lab to blackmail Ironwood into returning his remaining weapons? There isn't a single soul in Atlas that deserves to touch the BFG.
E chapter 2 . 7/19
This is so bad, this is nothing like the doom slayer
E chapter 1 . 7/19
Pls don’t add in bullshit romance, I will probably end up shit posting and stuff on this if you do, because that would ruin doomguys character so much
Wickerstein chapter 29 . 7/13
I'm waiting for the time that you might reveal the entire history of exactly why the faunus are hated, and how that hate was more or less justified with how unbelievably cruel you seem to have hinted them to be here eons prior.

The White Fang want equality? Kind of hard to do when a good chunk of them have more or less regressed back to viewing other races as inferior. Have them face their hypocrisy, and while humans aren't exactly blameless, once upon a time, humanity had every right to want every last one of them dead and buried.

Being aware of the history behind the enmity might just be the wakeup call they need to understand that both sides have hurt one another, and that hatred; whether we like it or not, has an underlying reason behind it. It isn't always senseless, it isn't always unjustified.

Whether good or bad, however, forgiving and forgetting is a bitter pill to swallow when faced with mutual annihilation.
Ghost Angel14 chapter 29 . 7/12
Aw man, Sienna and Illia lived-I mean uh, glad to see those two and everyone else still alive. Yeah.
Can't wait for another Marauder to show up. Those guys are so cool.
Irish-Brigid chapter 29 . 7/10
Wow. Lots of frantic battle action. Might want to go over this again, got really hard to tell who was where doing what and I'm pretty sure a few people ended up doing multiple things with one hand.

And Old Man Schnee is *evil.*
OmniGawker chapter 29 . 7/10
Always bringing up the questions with each answer. Nice.
Hope that ain't the last we've seen of those Marauders, those cheap bastards
Now, let's see what that cenobite looking motherfucker can bring to the carnage
razmire chapter 29 . 7/9
I could be wrong, but I have a feeling that the upcoming battle with the horde of Grimm may show Taiyang that it’s thanks to William that his daughters survived Hell.
Tankred chapter 29 . 7/9
Better not lose that armor, Blazko! It was made for YOU, and you were made for IT!
Joel chapter 29 . 7/9
Damn good read this! Staying up to date with it can’t wait for chapter 30! :)
asdfgbvcxz3355 chapter 3 . 7/9
pretty sure the doom slayer doesn't to eat and sleep, i really want to read this story cus I love doom and rwby but all the differences from the actual doom slayer is starting to bug the shit outta me
asdfgbvcxz3355 chapter 2 . 7/8
although I think have vega helping like he is. I think its kinda dumb that doomguy would need help fighting anybody like that. he has enough experience that dodging all Adam's attacks should be reflex, if he has enough time to hear and follow Vegas instructions he should be fast enough to do it himself.
asdfgbvcxz3355 chapter 1 . 7/8
how does a simple chainsaw almost cut through his armour? I though his armour was supposed to take hits from giant demons and shit like that.
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