Reviews for Approaching Sun
Guest chapter 16 . 7/17
Your fanfic is as close to canon as it can get
Please update soon!
Guest chapter 28 . 7/17
I love your story!
Pls update soon
lexowski chapter 28 . 7/16
I am seriously in love with the story! Thank you for actually sticking sooo closely to the canon - it feels so real. I can totally see Sasuke behaving this way in the canon series - I feel like eventually he just gives in to Sakura. Also normally I get bored with the "adventure" & "mission" stuff but you are sprinkling it in so well and it is so well-written that I even love those parts. I can't wait for the next chapter, but make sure you're taking care of yourself! Good luck.
anon chapter 28 . 7/10
About Sasuke and his sins: i found out only the Boruto anime talk about it. In Boruto manga Sasuke doesn't talk about it anymore and Sakura is part of the flashback (the anime only shows Sasuke and Naruto and changed Sasuke quotes). Sakura is part of the group who knows every information about his secret Kaguya mission, Sasuke looks sad and told them everything he found out. Seeing Sakura short hair and Naruto being the hokage in the meeting, Sarada was around 6~8yo but for some reason Sasuke didn't visit her (probably she already was sleeping). The anime changed a lot of stuff from manga, sakura being there was important :(
zeidika chapter 28 . 7/10
Hello I hope this reaches you.

I just want to say that over the last few years you've been greatly inspiring to me. Late 2017, I had my first son. I started reading your story mid 2018 and have been since then. I've been doing my best to keep up with classes and raising my child and it gets so stressful sometimes. I read your chapters in my brief free time and I see how busy you are but you always work so hard and are able to create this awesome story! Thanks for being so inspiring, it kept me going and now Im close to graduating this December with a 3.8 GPA! Ill keep patiently waiting for your chapters
marichat chapter 28 . 7/8
Oh I'm stressed. Excited though.
anonimo chapter 28 . 7/5
shinez4u chapter 28 . 7/5
I just stumbled across your story and my goodness the drama! The tension!
I love how it's been a steady progression of Sasuke's feelings and not like other stories I've read where all of the sudden BAM he's head over heals for Sakura.
I've definitely chosen a horrible time to start reading cause you've certainly left me on a cliff hanger with this last chapter.
Can't wait to read the next chapter.
Keep up the great work!
brenda sianipar chapter 28 . 7/4
Thank you so much for the update:)! oh noo! i thought Sasuke would finally accept Sakura but he’s not ready yet... and Sakura at the end omggg, i never thought Mako would do that! ugh Sasuke better come back fastt, hopefully Sakura is fine:/ Btw, have a nice day!:)
kerokeroHana chapter 28 . 7/2
Oh myyyy
maniafan07 chapter 28 . 7/1

I stumbled upon a link to this story on tumblr and I sure as hell am glad that I read it

I'm not good at describing what I feel, but I just want to say that Sasuke and Sakura's push and pull hurts me in the sweetest way. Does that even make sense? Haha. But I will patiently wait for the next chapter! Thank you for sharing this story to us! Absolutely love it! I hope Sasuke and Sakura talk it out eventually and make it all work
Marinara the Sauce chapter 27 . 6/30
Jesus the slow burn is amazing
Iamthewind5042 chapter 28 . 6/28
I LOVEEEEEE this fanfic! I’ve been keeping up since ch.1 and I get so excited when you post! This is by far the best fanfic I’ve ever read. Everything feels so real! Can’t wait for the next chapter, hopefully the wait won’t be too too long!
Guest chapter 28 . 6/28
Poor Sakura, my heart break how Sasuke rejected her, she looks tired to go after him and he leaving :(
Sasuke fears are valid, see how 11yo Sarada almost get kidnapped for being an Uchiha, but Sakura is strong and even faced Kido alone. I know Sasuke was there to rescue her and killed Kido Anbus (Sakura saw real Sasuke leaving the place when she already was safe and with their friends) but she managed to fight Kido and won.
Isao is adorable, I would see Sakura making sure the kid will find a safe home (adopting the boy or find someone who could adopt him).
The story is very interesting! Good job
CherriB chapter 28 . 6/29
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