Reviews for Milk and Cereal
stuffedcookie chapter 1 . 10/2/2019
Too cute! Love it!
Mab's Mad Fiddler chapter 1 . 3/10/2019
This is very sweet and wholesome. More please.
Sebine chapter 1 . 3/21/2017
I think I need a dentist...
Misslieness chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
I must admit I didn't like this one. You try way too hard to mold the characters into their archetypes to differentiate them from each other, likely as an attempt at comedy. The end result, however, is that the hyperbole falls flat from a lack of nuances, in turn rendering the comedic aspect void for me.

What's left is then romantic component, which is not memorable since Ruby and Pyrrha essentially don't communicate well (or are on the same page) but somehow it's supposed to be a conclusive ending, when they want different things. Honestly, the last few paragraphs just leaves me scratching my head, since it forces a notion they'll go out without any sufficient justification for such a decision.

The end result is something that feels
rough, reminiscent of what one would expect from someone with a lot less writing experience.

On the other hand, everyone else seems to like it so who knows.
For Spite chapter 1 . 2/17/2017
A third Fiercemost Defenestrator update in such quick succession? A nice gift indeed. I'm still re-reading Catnip and Search and Destroy (which is why I haven't commented on the new chapter yet), so I suppose that I'm reading the last update first.

I don't know why I find the idea of Grimm Maid so amusing, but I do.

This was cute. Normally if I'm going to ship Pyrrha with someone other than Jaune, I'd pick Weiss (she was really eager to get Pyrrha on her team) but you make Ruby work well. They are both prodigies with complicated weapons (Pyrrha's shield is fairly simple but her three stage sword-spear-rifle isn't).

The... magnetic attraction between the two reminded me a bit of a scene from Jojo's bizarre adventures. Of course, the joke in that scene was that the two people stuck together weren't romantically interested in each other but people kept seeing them and getting the wrong idea.
Jiore chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
sweet story! I really love this crack pairing
hagancameron chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
awesome, another chapter please
AntonSlavik020 chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
That was adorable, though consisting how cute Weiss and Blake are in Catnip I'm not really surprised. Great job.
Dongyrn chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
I soooo love me some adorkable Milk & Cereal. Very nicely done.
The Unplanner chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
Ruby's just so darn adorkable that she can be shipped with ANYONE. Canon relationships nonwithstanding, everyone on Remnant subconsciously wants to hug that adorable ball of rose petals and sharp-and-shooty death. Probably even Roman Torchwick and Cinder Fall. In a crackfic universe, ESPECIALLY Roman Torchwick and Cinder Fall. Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black might take some convincing first, probably on the battlefield. Heck, in RWBY Chibi, a Beowolf followed Ruby home like a puppy.

So it's not a big deal that Jaune gets totally ignored by Pyrrha here, because Ruby is an ideal substitute for any pairing. Heck, in a world just a couple degrees off of canon, Pyrrha might have just pushed Jaune and Weiss together and moved on to another obliviously-cute warrior kid while staying entirely in character. Except she doesn't like hero worship, which is why it's a good thing that Ruby now knows Pyrrha can get nervous - it makes them both a bit more human.

This is probably a one-shot. If so, I'd like to see other Ruby pairings, because you two write the best Ruby persona I've ever read (I think it was Fiercesomest who does the writing for Ruby?).

Last thing: Grimm pancakes! LOL! They're probably chocolate pancakes with white chocolate chips. I think they serve those at IHOP.
Ikol Ichigorath chapter 1 . 2/15/2017

A heartwarming combination of adorable social ineptitude and uproarious humour.

I love it!
MaliceUnchained chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
D'awwww! This ship needs more love, and this was ADORABLE! Excellent work!
AD Lewis chapter 1 . 2/14/2017
I can legitimately see Pyrrha acting like this in the show haha

Very cute, really enjoyed reading it :)
Energywelder chapter 1 . 2/14/2017
Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, je s'aime. This is exactly the kind of story I've been missing recently, can't wait to hear more from you guys.
WhichOneIsWill chapter 1 . 2/14/2017
An excellent M&C fic. I only ever follow authors who I enjoy so much that I am more than willing to read everything they write. You, good sir and madam (?), have more than earned that distinction quite some time ago and have once again proven it to be the right decision. Your character interactions are truly second to none, and I find no small amount of inspiration from your stories, both in terms of ideas and in terms of a goal to aim for, whenever I write.
Congratulations on another job well done, and best of luck in your future endeavors.
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