Reviews for Collision
Guest chapter 6 . 6/6/2017
"His Highness is what?!" Iggy and Gladio are going to murder you when they find you Noct.
The Fulgurian saves the day!
When it comes to weapons I usually use magic and the ring, I love using the royal arms specifically the shurikens, Regis sword, lunas trident and the regular weapons except Gladio and Prompto's weapons.
Yandere Shoujo chapter 2 . 4/14/2017
Blossomed to bloom? Wow that water sure is wet in that round circle of a pond. You have a really good way of describing things in clarity, but your word choice sometimes seems like it could bump this work up by a noticeable margin if some pebbles can be swept off of the path. One misstep and there's a jarring bump thats all the more noticeable when everything else is so smooth.
Yandere Shoujo chapter 1 . 4/14/2017
When something is so distracting you can't help but to comment first.

"Blue hair." I know Noctis' hair can vary from grey to blue depending on the lighting, but it's black. Also, I'm quite sure at the beginning you meant "Did not disappoint." Given the tone and structure of the sentence.
CaelumStrife chapter 8 . 4/9/2017
This was an awesome story. I enjoyed it immensely from beginning to end. Thank you for sharing this with us. Definitely saving as one of my favs. You captured each of the guys so perfectly I could hear their voices as I read this. Thank you!
MysteriousBean chapter 8 . 4/9/2017
What a great ride! I loved this chapter of the game. You did an excellent job of fleshing it out more. I loved the dialogue, especially during the bickering. It felt very authentic to the characters. Great job!
Bagpipes5K2 chapter 8 . 4/9/2017
I hope you keep writing FFXV stories :) So heartbreaking what Iggy had to go through at this point in the game. I wouldn't mind seeing another Ignis-centric fic from you, maybe one set long before he loses sight, or even a Prompto fic. So much to work with there too :) Keep writing!
Bagpipes5K2 chapter 7 . 4/5/2017
*thwaps Gladdy with a plush moogle for grabbing Iggy's injured arm* ;) I really liked the confrontation between Noct and Gladio in this chapter. Having to grow up in a hurry is never easy and Noct has the world almost literally on his shoulders on top of that. I'm going to be sad to see this fic end!
CaelumStrife chapter 6 . 3/26/2017
Another awesome chapter! Please update soon!
Bagpipes5K2 chapter 6 . 3/25/2017
Glad to see Iggy feeling better :) Boy is Noct going to get an earful when the others find him ;) Loved the battle and summoning, haven't read any fics with summonings yet.
LunaRWBY chapter 6 . 3/25/2017
I prefer to use the Insomnian weapons and Ulric's Kukris. I love those things.
D.D.Z chapter 6 . 3/25/2017
That battle scene was SO GOOD. What a good action flow. Gladio is gonna let Noct have it haha. Poor guy.

Favorite weapon load was a greatsword, sword, polearm, and magic. But I often switched the greatsword out, either for daggers or a firearm. Using the daggers is a lot of fun.
Bagpipes5K2 chapter 5 . 3/19/2017
*magically creates ice just in case Iggy has another fever* Gladio is going to be SO mad at Noct lol... I never thought of having Noctis go after the weaponry himself, this sounds like a fun scene to be writing :)
LunaRWBY chapter 5 . 3/19/2017
Noct... you're gonna get even hurt worse than Iggy aren't you? Well I'm just gonna be waiting for that chewing out from him and Gladio wanting to kill him. Can't wait for next chapter!
CaelumStrife chapter 4 . 3/16/2017
I was so excited to see an update for this story. Poor Ignis. But I love how you keep the tension between Noct and Gladio going. Keep up the great work and I'm hoping for another update soon!
Bagpipes5K2 chapter 4 . 3/16/2017
Fantastic chapter-always looking forward to more of this fic :) Iggy must be miserable with that wound. Cartanica must be a popular place because I'm working on a story at the same point in the game but have Ignis dealing with his emotions instead of life-threatening injuries. Keep going! :)
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