Reviews for The Danger of Paying Her Too Much Attention
evi ive chapter 11 . 7/27
I love the position you have put D&E in. A budding friendship. Angst and confusion. Darcy working it out in his thoughts that he could actually may her. Elizabeth calling him to task on some of treatment of others Darcy feeling with Wickham. I do hope one day you do return to this story
Guest chapter 11 . 5/3
He really dropped himself in it here! Poor Darcy! What a bumbler. A very enjjoyable story and a pity it isn't finished as i'd dearly like to see how he gets out of the hole he has dug for himself.
l.write.sins.not.tragedies chapter 11 . 4/5
This is so good. Your writing is beautiful.
Hope you have not abandoned it.
like a falling star chapter 11 . 4/3
Do continue please!
TwilightAddict37 chapter 11 . 3/14
I'm loving this story. I particularly adore your Mr. Darcy. I enjoyed all the chapters throughout that I couldn't stop reading, to review, my apologies. I think it is well-written and enjoy the look inside Mr. Darcy's mind. I'm so excited for the rest to unfold. Thank you sharing.
LadyofSwearsalot chapter 11 . 3/3
Just found this story and read it in one go. Really hope you will update it soon, I am dying from anticipation pf what will happen next. Will Darcy finally manage to make his meaning clear? Will Wickham be sensible and stay put? What poor creature will adorn Miss Bingley's hat next? And most importantly, how much is Mr. Bennet going to torture Darcy when finally asked for his blessing?
MrsMarySmythe chapter 11 . 2/25
I hope you mean it and you intend to continue this story as I desperately want to see Darcy get his reward in the end. poor bastard, he's got it so bad it's turning him a little stupid (and maybe more than a little). I very much like the balance between sweet, funny and sensual; it's well done.
bellarkiaN chapter 10 . 2/4
I hope you update soon! Thanks for sharing such a well-written story :)
Kiwipride chapter 11 . 1/18
Hope to see another long overdue chapter
WILIAMDEVRIES chapter 11 . 1/9
oh please continue pretty please
Guest chapter 11 . 1/7
Please do update
Wyndwhyspyr chapter 11 . 12/13/2019
Any hope of more story?
MAC Nicholls chapter 11 . 11/2/2019
Excellent story up to now but it's rude to your readers, just to leave it not completed. I can't give it a positive rating until it's finished.
gabyhyatt chapter 11 . 10/5/2019
Good fic
heffy chapter 11 . 9/29/2019
I really love this story! I hope you’ll update! I’m so intrigued!
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