Reviews for Courage to Love
FullmetalandtheFlame chapter 1 . 10/29/2018
Aaaahh! I love it! This is so adorable! It also sounds just like how Alicia would think. I wish this wasn’t a one shot. I want to see how their relationship progresses. Great story though!
Andreatequila chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
Theree are literally no words except for kill me now &I give me them! Goodness! I keep goin tru the paragraphs &I thinking this is exactly how Alicia would think. The complexity , the endless guilt she feels, the doubts, insecuritys, fears, hormones! I so adore the way she thinks of him in this for example/

"I know that it was difficult for him to bare all his feelings the way that he did last night. He's a proud man, and I only wish a little for the rest of my world to see this side of him, the Will who truly cares and only wishes to be a good person." This was worth the longcopy n paste, I can almost taste it's delicacy,, it feels so true to this reader b/c Will a proud man & I find it hard to imagin him bearing all his feelings in a sentimental state. He Was never portrayed with his emotions on his sleeve in th show. U show that off so ably. Even his "I can hear the wheels turning" 'quote' : shows that he knows her just as well.

She really was my most favourite television charactr, Alicia's complexity, fierce body, perfct nature, all flaws &a good sense of direction was rare to come by. I miss her too. I miss those writers writing her. Thank YOU come back soon w/ a update of damaged plz. :-]
guategal chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
Would that the other Aliia would have...could have released her authentic heart with trembling faith and courage as your did. Love this plotting. Thought soooo on-point your "I want you. I want simple..."
Your Alicia speak felt so humanly real and alive as I read along. Loved the felt warmth between them which you emulated and hung throughout. Your Will's morning greeting, "I can hear your head turning with each of your worries". a most sensitive and keenly worded impacted tonality of Alicia's ever carried "complications" essence. So wished she'd held truly that "I'll never let him go" feeling. Super simplistic ending! I miss Alicia so much too...almost as much as Will, yet I miss their "thing" legacy even more.
Thank you so for sharing this post. Hope your wisdom tooth relief soars forth even more freeing of your talents and impetus for A/W creations.
Rama8677 chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
Loved this. Thank you.
Tgwfan chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
" I lock my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me, he whispers those three words in my ear followed by my name"
DO YOU know what this does to my feels right now?! Thank you thank you thank U so much for rthis. I miss Alicia two n I wish she was coming back tonight. Best wishes on the wisdom tooth ouch!
Latenightmom chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
Oh my goodness this was so good! This is exactly what all of us A/W fans had hoped for. I loved reading this from Alicia's perspective! Her thoughts mingled with their shared words!

I loved how he immediately holds her when she gets there, how open and honest they were with so few words. They needed to have that conversation at some point during the series. And of course I loved how he just automatically knows what she's thinking, takes care of her because she's not always good at taking care of herself. So glad they finally admitted their true feelings for one another!

Thank you so much for this! My pot aching Wilicia heart needed this!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
Goodness me, what a surprise this was...

There were so many moments where I had to stop and repeat in my mind, I imagined Alicia's shaky hands, the almost tense and unrecognisable Will. It really is this whole concept of sacrifice and courage just to get herself there and even for him to let her in "this part of his life again" I love those words. I am going to read this agen.

Breathtaking work. Please keep writing alici and will (-:
WillandAliciaFan chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
Aw, thank you for this. It was great.