Reviews for 5 Times Walter & Paige Almost Made Love, and When They Finally Did 6
supergirl971 chapter 1 . 7/26
C’était trop bien. Une de mes histoires favorites ! L’attente en valait clairement la peine. J’aime tellement ce couple, je me console de la saison 4 avec des histoires comme celle là.
tulsakathryn chapter 1 . 2/28/2017
Great ending to a very good group of stories...we can all live through these fan fics until Waige happens for real on the show!
FoxPhile chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
I really like how you bring back little bits from the first chapter in your intro – the Duck Avenger and Walter worrying about traffic. It really helps to bring the whole story full circle. I also love that there’s this happy little domestic thing – discussing their son, loading the dishwasher.

The way you have them start – repeatedly commenting that they are *finally* doing this, and then starting off so slow – really helps to keep up the frustration that went throughout the entire story. Even know we know this is the last chapter – and we *know* they’re going to do it this time – there’s still a feeling like you’re waiting for the shoe to drop – like what’s going to happen *this* time. Thank goodness, nothing does happen – or it *finally* does happen – depending on how you look at it haha!

Then there’s how you have them pretty much render each other nearly speechless – unable to get out more than the occasional, almost incoherent couple of words. Especially the part where Paige wants Walter to take his pants off, but he can’t fathom moving because she’s kissing *that* spot.

Walter’s thoughts leading up the Paige’s first orgasm are particularly priceless. It’s obvious that was an amazing moment for them both – and that’s wonderful. Along with that, his revelations the first time he enters her are poignant and yet wonderful. There is the sense that he’s been worried a bit all this time that, even with Paige, he wouldn’t enjoy it. And he’s so obviously happy to realize that he actually does – way more than just enjoy it – even as at the same time it overwhelms him. The mix of emotions you bring defy typical fanfic smut and really bring out the story in it.

I think my favorite part is this: “He enjoyed this. He wanted to set aside an entire night, an entire weekend, to see how many times he could get her like this. He only wished he had an extra arm, to help hold her against him while his other two continued to make her writhe.” This is SO Walter – he’s found something new and he wants to continue exploring just how good he can get at it, plus he imagines ways he could make it even better.

Lastly, I love that they can’t seem to say “I love you” enough. One would think it would get tiresome, but it doesn’t. And the fact that Walter wants to hear it when he comes – AhhhhhhhHHHHHHH!

This was Magnum Opus smut, Nicole. Thank you so much for such a satisfying conclusion.
nicoledbishop chapter 1 . 2/24/2017
Well thank goodness. Finally! That was hot! I think I need a cigarette and a nap after just reading that. Lol! It was beautiful. I loved how open and honest and comfortable they were with each other. True love. Perfect.
franxine bobo chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
bravo all 5 of you did a wonderful job with this i can not stop smiling thank you
Bicii chapter 1 . 2/22/2017
First think first "finalyyyyyyyy!" Between they interuption and mine (busy week) I thought I wouldn't make it to the end lol
Your collaboration was really on point, sure we can feel that there is 3 differents authors because of your respective style but it obvious that there was a big work of coordination and refining the details!
Eggcellent ;) team work *Chapeau Bas*
dragonfly42pf chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
God, the LOVE in this chapter! I cant wait to go back and read it again when I'm not just rushing through the new, exciting and thoughtful material! I love that they are each other's havens. And I love that he had two first times with her...more if you factor in all the emotional firsts (which Walter would, now happily.) Thanks for sharing your amazing writing,
treerose chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
Excellent job!
ScorplinginTraining chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
At laaaaaaaaast! Yes! And it didn't disappoint. Very hot but also so, so sweet and so them. I actually like that it didn't happen in some grand romantic place or include a grand romantic gesture. It was better that it was home. More comfortable that they were home. And Walter felt safe and could let go with her totally. Amazing. Just incredible.

I think I might have said I like your collaborations?!

Thank you again for your efforts! *initiate slow clap to standing ovation sequence*
WriterFreak001 chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
WOWZERS! That's a lot of O's!

The ending was perfect, and it was definitely wrapped up nicely, lmao. Having it end on "I love you" from Walter was the icing on the cake. :) What I really loved about the fic is that they didn't just do it in bed, but had their wicked way (even if it wasn't exactly planned) in the bathroom as well. I wouldn't have been surprised if they decided to christen the entire apartment! lmao

Another thing I really liked, and I don't think it was intentional, was that they were - in a sense - "home" when they first decided to consummate their relationship and came full circle in the sixth chapter, and was back "home" again when they finally do. I know, realistically, Paige's apartment isn't Walter's home-home, but one day, it might be, and having them make a special memory there makes me smile. :)

They are right where they belong.
Liasonfan75 chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
WOW! You all did a fabulous job!