Reviews for A long time ago
Taino Delsan13 chapter 22 . 7/22
I wonder they find Jack and his connection to Mrs. Lincoln OK mrs Robinson
lizzy.C.1 chapter 1 . 7/20
i just found this story and its really good. Apart from a few spelling mistakes and grammar errors the storyline is interesting, keeps you wanting to know what happens next. Fantastic work please keep udating
Guest chapter 22 . 5/13
Ana didn't see their faces but she will remember their voices . Will jack and carla be arrested will the club be raided and closed down , will you do a time jump
susancollins522 chapter 22 . 5/13
Very good chapter can’t wait for more
TLynnson chapter 22 . 5/13
The poor baby has been through so much. I’m surprised she’s not catatonic from all that trauma. Good grief!
susancollins522 chapter 21 . 5/10
Just found this story I’m loving it can’t wait for more hope you update soon
Taino Delsan13 chapter 21 . 5/8
She just need her light to finally come to see her.

Wow Christian lost v-card to Leila eew jaja
Anyway she going to give him heel especially he said Ana name the bounce after they did the did.

Thank you for updating
Zrubio10 chapter 21 . 5/8
I love this story. I was hoping he would lose his virginity to Ana but calling out her name was awesome lol. Can’t Wait for the next update!
Telernc90 chapter 21 . 5/8
Blue eyes not brown
MandyO85 chapter 21 . 5/8
he had to lose it Leila... ugh cant wait for the next chapter
Sonia chapter 19 . 5/2
Fantastic story please update soon can’t wait
Taino Delsan13 chapter 19 . 5/3
Oh dang let see how thing will turn out for everyone
Taino Delsan13 chapter 17 . 4/28
Interesting to see what going to happen now that Ray is with Ana now.

Christian now he know what Mrs Lincoln true reason.

I wonder what Christian going to find on the Google search
jfsog chapter 17 . 4/27
Grace (as a doctor and Ray's friend) shouldn't be telling all of Ana's business to Elena. She crossed way over the line there. Wait until she finds out what her bff does with all the info Grace gives her smh. Poor Ray. I hope when Christian learns about Ana's condition (from big mouth Grace) that it triggers his protective instincts and he gets over his bitterness. He has to realize that Ana went through a lot worse than him after they separated
MELYLOOP chapter 17 . 4/27
I hope just doesnt get her claws in him. great story
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