Reviews for Forever Adjusted
Luluriku chapter 1 . 5/9/2017
Soooo I read all five parts of this series and I really really really enjoyed it so far :D Please continue the story! I need more winged Cas XD Also, I laughed way too hard at that comment Dean makes about Sam and Gabriel's relationship when they were watching Dr. Sexy
tlcroft chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
Hmm, Matt must not have been a hunter all that long not to have heard of Bobby Singer-and just who the heck is Keith Kelly? A Bobby Singer wannabe? It looks like he hasn't been a Hunter all that long either-He just knows more than Matt. And the demons just keep coming. Ravana wants to rule Hell; Too bad Crowley has a few objections to that. And just how is this class of FBI trainees going to explain THIS to themselves? Or will they just try not to remember it?